Game Stick 4K Lite
Nessa versão do Game Stick 4K Lite nós personalizamos vários itens como ícones, background, logos e principalmente a lista dos jogos dando um visual novo ao Stick sem perder a facilidade que esse Stick oferece.
- Background moderno
Um novo background em seu Game Stick 4K Lite com o propósito de torná-lo mais bonito e moderno, nada pior que jogar depois de um ano e ter um Game Stick 4K Lite que deixa um ar pesado visualmente.
Personalizado x Direto da China
- Lista em ordem
A nossa lista exclusiva está em ordem alfabética, com os nomes corretos dos jogo e apenas conhecidos no Brasil ( 75% Legendado em Português ). Jogue desde Super Mario Bros até um Tekken, diversão garantida no Game Stick 4K Lite!
Personalizado x Direto da China
- Outras melhorias
Personalizado x Direto da China
- Foi retirado todos os jogos desconhecidos
- Os jogos agora estão em ordem alfabética
- Nomes dos Jogos estão corretos
- Nova tela de Loading ( Carregando )
- Game Stick 4K Lite com Bios e cores atualizados
- Jogos com defeitos trocados
- Erros de som corrigidos no Super Nintendo
- 102 Jogos de PlayStation 1 no Game Stick 4K Lite
- Brasileirão 95 e 96 do Super Nintendo
- Lista de Jogos para conferir antes da compra
- Lista com jogos duplicados e desconhecidos
- Jogos fora de ordem alfabética
- Nome de jogos errados ou trocados
- Tela simples de carregamento
- Game Stick 4K Lite com Bios e cores desatualizados
- Muitos jogos com defeitos
- Erros de som no Super Nintedo
- Apenas 25 Jogos de PlayStation 1
- Não tem Brasileirão 95 e 96 do Super Nintendo
- O vendedor não tem a lista de jogos para consulta
- Galeria de imagens
- Lista de jogos
Aquelas situações em que você tem que ficar procurando por um jogo de forma aleatória devido a lista estar errada aqui não existe, criamos essa lista com todo carinho visando melhorar a experiência de jogo. Foram retirados todos os jogos duplicados do Game Stick 4K Lite, com erros e desconhecidos. Aqui você encontra todos os jogos desde o Super Nintendo até o PlayStation 1 conhecidos apenas no Brasil. Essa lista é a única com 96 Jogos só de PS1 . Certamente irá atender a todas as idades !
Atari 2600 - 500 Jogos
3-D Genesis | Mines of minos |
3-D Ghost Attack | Miss Piggy's Wedding |
3-D Havoc | Missile command |
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe | Missile Control |
A Misterious Thief | Missile War ~ Astro War |
Acid Drop | Mission survive |
Actionauts | Mogul Maniac |
Adventure | Mondo pong |
Adventures of TRON | Montezumas revenge |
Air raid | Moon Patrol |
Air raiders | Moonsweeper |
Airlock | Motocross |
Air-Sea Battle | Motocross Racer |
Alfred challenge | Motorodeo |
Alien | Mountain king |
Alien greed 2 | Mouse trap |
Aliens Return | Mr. Do! |
Allia Quest | Mr. Postman |
Alligator people | Ms. Pac-Man |
Amidar | My Golf |
AndroMan on the Moon | Night driver |
Angriff der luftflotten | Night Stalker |
Aquaventure | No escape! |
Armor Ambush | Obelix |
Artillery Duel | Ocean City |
Assault | Off the wall |
Asterix | Off your rocker |
Asteroids | Official Frogger, The |
Astroblast | Oink! |
Astrowar | Omega race dc |
Atari video cube | Open sesame |
A-Team, The | Oscar's Trash Race |
Atlantis | Othello |
Atlantis II | Out of control |
Atom smasher | Outlaw ~ Gunslinger |
Backfire | Pac-Kong |
Backgammon | Pac-Man |
Bank heist | Peek-a-boo |
Barnstorming | Pengo |
Base Attack | Pepsi invaders |
Basic math | Pete Rose Baseball |
Basketball | Phantom Tank - Phantom-Panzer |
Battlezone | Phantom2 pirate |
Beamrider | Pharaoh's Curse |
Beany bopper | Phaser Patrol |
Beatemandeatem | Phoenix |
Beeball | Pick Up |
Bermuda triangle | Picnic |
Berzerk | Piece o' Cake |
Better dukes of hazzard | Pigs in Space - Starring Miss Piggy |
Big Birds EggCatch | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns |
Black Jack | Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure |
Blinky goes up | Planet of the apes |
BLiP Football | Planet patrol |
BMX Air Master | Plaque attack |
Bobby is going home | Pleiades |
Bogey blaster | Pokersquares |
Boing | Polaris |
Bowling | Pole position |
Boxing | Polo |
Brain games | Pompeii |
Bridge | Pooyan |
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom | Popeye |
Bugs | Porkys |
Bugs Bunny | Pressure cooker |
Bump 'N' Jump | Pressure gauge |
Bumper bash | Princess rescue |
Burgertime | Private eye |
Burning desire | Q-bert |
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park | Quadrun |
Cakewalk | Quest for quintana roo |
California games | Quick Step! |
Canyon bomber | Rabbit Transit |
Carnival | Racquetball |
Casino | Radar |
Cat trax | Radar lock |
Cathouse Blues | Raft rider |
Cave in230 | Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Centipede | Rainbow invaders |
Challenge | Ram It |
Chase the chuck wagon | Rampage! |
Checkers | Raster fahndung |
China syndrome | Reactor |
Chopper command | RealSports Basketball |
Chuck norris superkicks | RealSports Boxing |
Circus | RealSports Football |
Climber 5 | RealSports Soccer |
Coco Nuts | RealSports Tennis |
Combat | RealSports Volleyball |
Commando | Red Sea Crossing |
Commando raid | Rescue Terra I |
Communist Mutants from Space | Riddle of the Sphinx |
Condor Attack | River Raid |
Congo bongo | River Raid II |
Conquest of Mars | Road runner |
Cookie Monster Munch | Robin hood |
Cosmic ark | Robot Tank |
Cosmic commuter | Rocky & Bullwinkle |
Cosmic corridor | Room of doom |
Cosmic creeps | Rubik's Cube 3-D |
Cosmic Invaders | Rush Hour |
Cosmic swarm | Saboteur |
Crackpots | Save Mary! |
Crash dive | Save the whales |
Crazy Balloon | Sea hawk |
Crazy climber | Sea Monster |
Crazy Valet | Seaquest |
Cross force | Seawolf |
Crossbow | Secret quest |
Crypts of chaos | Shark attack |
Crystal castles | Shootin' Gallery |
Cubicolor | Shuttle orbiter |
Custers revenge | Sinistar |
Dark cavern | Sir lancelot |
Dark chambers | Six Pack |
Deadly duck | Skate Boardin' |
Death trap | Skiing |
Decathlon | Sky skipper |
Defender | Slot Machine ~ Slots |
Demolition Herby | Smurfs Save the Day |
Demon attack | Snail against squirrel |
Demons to Diamonds | Sneak 'n Peek |
Desert falcon | Snoopy and the Red Baron |
Dice puzzle | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Dig Dug | Solar fox |
Dishaster | Solar plexus |
Dolphin | Solar storm |
Donald Duck's Speedboat | Solaris |
Donkey Kong | Sorcerer |
Donkey Kong Junior | Sorcerer's Apprentice |
Double Dragon | Space attack |
Double dunk | Space cavern |
Dragonfire | Space instigators+ |
Dragonstomper | Space invaders |
Dragster | Space jockey |
Dukes of hazzard | Space raid |
Dune | Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space |
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial | Space treat |
Edtris | Space Tunnel |
Eggomania | Space War ~ Space Combat |
Elevator action | Spacechase |
Elevators Amiss | SpaceMaster X-7 |
Elk attack | Spider Fighter |
Encounter at l-5 | Spider maze |
Enduro | Spider Monster - Inca Gold |
Entity, The | Spiderdroid |
Entombed | Spider-Man |
Escape from the Mindmaster | Spike's Peak |
Euchre | Spitfire attack |
Exocet | Sprint Master |
Fall down | Spy hunter |
Fantastic voyage | Squeeze Box |
Fast eddie | Squoosh |
Fast food | Stampede |
Fatal run | Star Fox |
Fathom | Star Raiders |
Final approach | Star strike |
Fire fighter | Star voyager |
Fireball | Star Wars - Jedi Arena |
Fishing derby | Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle |
FlapPing | Star Wars - The Arcade Game |
Flash gordon | Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back |
Football | Stargate |
Frankenstein's Monster | Stargunner |
Freeway | Starmaster |
Frog Pond | Steeplechase |
Frogger | Stellar track |
Frogger II - Threeedeep! | Strategy x |
Frogs and Flies | Strawberry Shortcake - Musical Match-Ups |
Front Line | Street Racer ~ Speedway II |
Frostbite | Stronghold |
Galaxian | Stunt cycle |
Gangster alley | Stunt man |
Garfield | Submarine commander |
Gas hog | Sub-Scan |
Gauntlet | Subterranea |
Ghost manor | Suicide Mission |
Ghostbusters | Summer games |
Ghostbusters II | Super Baseball |
Gigolo | Super breakout |
Glacier patrol | Super Challenge Football |
Go fish | Super cobra |
Go sub | Super Football |
Golf | Superman |
Gopher | Surf's Up |
Gorf | Surround |
Grand prix | Survival run |
Gravitar | Swordfight |
Great escape | SwordQuest - FireWorld |
Gremlins | Tac-Scan |
Gunfight | Tanks but no tanks |
Gyruss | Tapeworm |
H.E.R.O. | Tapper |
Halloween | Targ |
Halo 2600 | Task force |
Harbor Escape | Tax avoiders |
Hard-Head | Taz |
Harem | Telepathy |
Haunted house | Tennis |
Hunchy2 | Tetris 26 |
Ice hockey | Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The |
Ikari warriors | This planet sucks |
Incoming | Threshold |
Indy 500 | Thunderground |
Infiltrate | Time pilot |
International Soccer | Title Match Pro Wrestling |
Jammed | Tomarc the barbarian |
Jawbreaker | Tomcat - The F-14 Fighter Simulator |
Journey escape | Tooth Protectors |
Joust | Toweringinferno |
Joustpong | Track and field |
Jr. Pac-Man | Treasure below |
Jungle hunt | Trick shot |
Juno first | TRON - Deadly Discs |
Kabobber | Tunnel runner |
Kaboom! | Turmoil |
Karate | Tutankham |
Keystone kapers | Universal chaos |
King kong | Up 'n down |
Klax | Vanguard |
Kocruiser | Vault assault |
Krull | Venetian Blinds Demo |
Kung Fu Master | Venture |
Lady In Wading | Video chess |
Ladybug | Video jogger |
Laser blast | Video life |
Laser gates | Video Olympics ~ Pong Sports |
Lasercade | Video Pinball |
London blitz | Video reflex |
Looping | Video simon |
Lost luggage | Wabbit |
M.A.D. | Wall ball |
M.a.s.h. | Wall Break |
Malagai | Warlords |
Marauder | Warplock |
Marine wars | Winter games |
Mario Bros | Wizardofwor |
Master builder | Word zapper |
Math Gran Prix | Wordsattack |
Maze Craze - A Game of Cops 'n Robbers | Worm War I |
Mazy Match | Xenophobe |
Mega force | Xevious |
MegaMania - A Space Nightmare | X-Man |
Meltdown | X'Mission |
Mental kombat | Yars' Return |
Merlin's walls | Yars' Revenge |
Midnight Magic | Zaxxon |
Millipede | Z-blocks |
Mind Maze | Zoo Fun |
Mine sweeper | Ztack |
Game Boy - 500 Jogos
Addams Family | Maui Mallard |
Addams Family-Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt | Max |
Adventure Island I | McDonaldland |
Adventures of Lolo | Mega Man I |
Adventures of Pinocchio | Megalit |
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle | Mercenary Force |
Adventures of Star Saver | Metal Masters |
Adventures of Tintin - Prisoners Sun | Mi Tu De Lu |
Aero Star | Mickey Mouse |
Alfred Chicken | Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand |
Alien 3 | Mickey's Dangerous Chase |
Alien Olympics 2044 AD | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge |
Alien vs Predator - Last of His Clan | Micro Machines I |
Alleyway | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
All-Star Baseball '99 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Movie |
Altered Space - A 3-D Alien Adventure | Millipede & Centipede |
Amazing Penguin | Milon's Secret Castle |
Amazing Spider-Man I | Miner 2049er |
Amazing Tater | Minesweeper |
Amida | Mini Putt |
Animaniacs | Mole Mania |
Ant Soldiers | Monopoly |
Arctic Zone | Monster Max |
Asterix | Monster Truck Wars |
Asteroids & Missile Command | Mortal Kombat I |
Atomic Punk | Motocross Maniacs I |
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes | Mouse Trap Hotel |
Avenging Spirit | Mr Do! |
Baby T-Rex | Mr Nutz |
Balloon Kid | Ms Pac-Man |
Bamse | Mysterium |
Barbie - Game Girl | Mystical Ninja |
Baseball | Nail 'N Scale |
Bases Loaded | Navy Seals |
Bataille Navale | NBA Jam |
Batman | Nemesis |
Batman - Return of the Joker | NFL Football |
Batman - The Animated Series | Ninja Boy I |
Batman Forever | Ninja Gaiden Shadow |
Battle Arena Toshinden | Ninja Taro |
Battle Bull | Nintendo World Cup |
Battle Dodgeball | Obelix |
Battle of Olympus | Oddworld Adventures I |
Battle Pingpong | Olympic Summer Games |
Battle Unit Zeoth | Operation C |
Battle Zone & Super Breakout | Othello |
Battleship | Otto's Ottifanten |
Battletoads | Out of Gas |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | Pac-Attack |
Beavis and Butthead | Pac-In-Time |
Beethoven's 2nd | Pac-Man |
Best of the Best - Championship Karate | Pagemaster |
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure | Palamedes |
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks | Panel Action Bingo |
Bionic Battler | Paperboy I |
Bionic Commando | Parasol Stars |
Black Bass - Lure Fishing | Parodius |
Black Forest Tale | Penguin Land |
Blades of Steel | Penguin Wars |
Blaster Master Boy | PGA European Tour |
Blodia | PGA Tour '96 |
Blues Brothers | Pierre Le Chef is Out to Lunch |
Bo Jackson - Hit and Run | Pinball Deluxe |
boggle plus | Pinball Dreams |
Bomb Jack | Pinball Fantasies |
Bomberman GB | Pinball Mania |
Bonk I - Bonk's Adventure | Pipe Dream |
Booby Boys | Pit Fighter |
Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World | Play Action Football |
Boulder Dash | Pocket Bomberman |
Boxxle I | Pokemon - Blue Version |
Boy and His Blob - Princess Blobette | Pokemon - Red Version |
Brain Drain | Popeye I |
Brainbender | Pop'n TwinBee |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | populous |
Break Thru! | Power Mission |
Bubble Bobble I | Power Racer |
Bubble Ghost | Prehistorik Man |
Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle I | Primal Rage |
Burai Fighter Deluxe | Prince of Persia |
Burger Time Deluxe | Prophecy - The Viking Child |
Burning Paper | Punisher |
Buster Brothers | Pyramids of Ra |
Caesar's Palace I | Q Billion |
Captain America and the Avengers | Qix |
Casino Funpak | Quarth |
Casper | Race Days |
Castelian | Race Drivin' |
Castle Quest | Radar Mission |
Castlevania I - The Adventure | Raging Fighter |
Catrap | Railway |
Championship Pool | Rampart |
Chase HQ | Real Ghostbusters |
Chessmaster | Ren & Stimpy - Space Cadet Adevntures |
Chuck Rock | Ren & Stimpy - Veediots! |
Cliffhanger | Reservoir Rat |
College Slam | Riddick Bowe Boxing |
Contra - The Alien Wars | Ring Rage |
Cosmo Tank | Road Rash |
Crazy Burger | Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves |
Crystal Quest | Robocop I |
Cutthroat Island | Robocop vs Terminator |
Cyraid | Rod-Land |
Daedalean Opus | Roger Clemens MVP Baseball |
Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions | Rolan's Curse I |
Dan Laser | R-Type I |
Darkman | Rugrats - The Movie |
Days of Thunder | Sagaia |
Dead Heat Scramble | Samurai Shodown |
Deep Final Mission | Sea Battle |
Defender & Joust | SeaQuest DSV |
Dennis the Menace | Sensible Soccer |
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf | Serpent |
Dexterity | Shanghai |
Dick Tracy | Shaq Fu |
Die Maus | Side Pocket |
Dig Dug | Simpsons - Bart & the Beanstalk |
Disney's Aladdin | Simpsons - Bart vs the Juggernauts |
Disney's Hercules | Simpsons - Escape from Camp Deadly |
Disney's Jungle Book | Simpsons - Krusty's Funhouse |
Disney's Lion King | Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad |
Disney's Mulan | Skate or Die - Tour de Thrash |
Disney's Pinocchio | Sky Ace |
Disney's Pocahontas | Small Soldiers |
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame | Smurfs I |
Disney's The Little Mermaid | Sneaky Snakes |
Donkey Kong | Snoopy - Magic Show |
Donkey Kong Land I | Snow Bros Jr |
Double Dragon I | Soccer Mania |
Double Dribble - 5 on 5 | Solar Striker |
Dr Franken I | Solitaire Funpack |
Dr Mario | Solomon's Club |
Dragon Heart | Space Invaders '94 |
Dragon's Lair - The Legend | Spanky's Quest |
Duck Adventures | Speedy Gonzales |
Duck Tales I | Spider-Man & X-Men - Arcade's Revenge |
Earthworm Jim | Spiritual Warfare |
Elevator Action | Spirou |
Elite Soccer | Splitz |
Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land | Sports Illustrated Champ Footb & Baseb |
Explosive Brick '94 | Sports Illustrated for Kids |
Extra Bases! | SPOT |
F-1 Pole Position | SPOT - The Cool Adventure |
Fastest Lap | Spud's Adventure |
Felix the Cat | Spy vs Spy - Operation Boobytrap |
Ferrari - Grand Prix Challenge | Square Deal - Two Dimensional Poker |
Fidgetts | Star Trek - 25th Anniversary |
FIFA International Soccer | Star Trek - Generations |
FIFA Soccer '96 | Star Trek - The Next Generation |
FIFA Soccer '97 | Star Wars |
Final Fantasy Adventure | Star Wars - Super Return of the Jedi |
Final Fantasy Legend I | Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back |
Final Reverse | stargate |
Fire Fighter | StarHawk |
Fish Dude | Stop That Roach! |
Fist of the North Star | Street Racer |
Flappy Special | Sumo Fighter |
Flash | Sunsoft Grand Prix |
Flintstones | Super Battle Tank - War in the Gulf |
Flipull | Super Black Bass |
Football International | Super Chase HQ |
Foreman for Real | Super Hunchback |
Fortified Zone | Super James Pond |
Frisky Tom | Super Kick Off |
Galaga & Galaxian | Super Mario Land I |
Game & Watch Gallery I | Super Mario Land IV |
Game of Harmony | Super Off Road |
Gameboy Gallery I | Super RC Pro-Am |
Garfield Labyrinth | Super Scrabble |
Gargoyle's Quest - Ghosts'n Goblins | Superman |
Gear Works | Swamp Thing |
George Foreman's KO Boxing | Sword of Hope I |
Getaway | T2 - The Arcade Game |
Go! Go! Tank | Tail Gator |
Goal! | TaleSpin |
Godzilla | Tamagotchi |
Gradius - The Interstellar Assault | Tarzan |
Great Greed | Tasmania Story |
HAL Wrestling | Taz-Mania I |
Hammerin' Harry - Ghost Building Co | Tecmo Bowl |
Harvest Moon I | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I |
Hatris | Tennis |
Heavyweight Championship Boxing | Tesserae |
Heiankyo Alien | Tetris Attack |
High Stakes Gambling | Tetris Blast |
Hit the Ice | Tetris I |
Home Alone I | Tetris Plus |
Hong Kong | TinTin in Tibet |
Hook | Tiny Toon Adventures - Babs Big Break |
Hudson Hawk | Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports |
Hugo I | Tip Off |
Humans | Titus the Fox |
Hunt for Red October | Tom & Jerry |
Hyper Lode Runner | Tom & Jerry - Frantic Antics |
Incredible Crash Dummies | Top Gun - Guts & Glory |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Top Ranking Tennis |
International Superstar Soccer | Torpedo Range |
Iron League | Total Carnage |
IronMan & X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal | Toxic Crusaders |
Ishido - The Way of the Stones | Toy Story I |
James Bond 007 | Track & Field |
Jeep Jamboree | Track Meet |
Jelly Boy | Trax |
Jeopardy! | Trip World |
Jetsons - Robot Panic | True Lies |
Jimmy Connors Tennis | Tumble Pop |
Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja | Turn & Burn |
Jordan vs Bird | Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs |
Joshua & the Battle of Jericho | Turrican |
Judge Dredd | Ultima - Runes of Virtue I |
Jungle Strike | Ultraman |
Jurassic Park - Lost World | Un Indien dans la Ville |
Jurassic Park I | Universal Soldier |
Ken Griffey Jr - Major League Baseball | Urban Strike |
Kid Dracula | V Rally - Championship Edition |
Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters | Vegas Stakes |
Killer Instinct | Vex Block |
King James Bible | Volley Fire |
King of Fighters - Heat of Battle | Wario Blast - Featuring Bomberman! |
king of fighters '95 | Waterworld |
Kingdom Crusade | Wave Race |
Kirby's Block Ball | Wayne's World |
Kirby's Dream Land I | WCW - Main Event |
Kirby's Star Stacker | We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story |
KLAX | Wheel of Fortune |
Knight Quest | Who Framed Roger Rabbit |
Kung-Fu Master | WildSnake |
Kwirk | Wizards & Warriors - Chapter X |
Lamborghini American Challenge | Wordtris |
Last Action Hero | Wordzap |
Lawnmower Man | World Beach Volley - 1991 GB Cup |
Lazlos' Leap | World Bowling |
Legend of the River King I | World Circuit Series |
Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening | World Cup '98 |
Lemmings I | World Cup USA '94 |
Lethal Weapon | Worm Visitor |
Lingo | Worms |
Litti's Summer Sports | WWF - King of the Ring |
Lock 'N Chase | WWF - RAW |
Looney Tunes | WWF - Superstars I |
Loopz | WWF - Warzone |
Lucky Luke | Yie Ar Kung Fu |
Lucle | Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush |
Lunar Lander | yoshi |
Magic Maze | Yoshi's Cookie |
Magical Tower | Zen Intergalactic Ninja |
Magnetic Soccer | Zoids Densetsu |
Malibu Beach Volleyball | Zoo Block |
Marble Madness | Zool |
Mario's Picross | Zoop |
Game Boy Color - 500 Jogos
1942 | Mia Hamm Soccer Shootout |
007 - The World is Not Enough | Mickey's Racing Adventure |
3D Pocket Pool | Mickey's Speedway USA |
3D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride | Micro Machines I&II - Twin Turbo |
720 Degrees | Micro Machines V3 |
Action Man - Search for Base X | Micro Maniacs |
Adventures of the Smurfs | Microsoft Puzzle Collection |
AirForce Delta | Millenium Winter Sports |
Alfred's Adventure | Missile Command |
Aliens - Thanatos Encounter | Mission Impossible |
All Star Tennis 2000 | Monkey Puncher |
All-Star Baseball 2000 | Monopoly |
Alone in the Dark-New Nightmare | Monster Rancher Battle Card |
Animorphs | Monster Rancher Explorer |
Antz | Montezuma's Return! |
Antz Racing | Moomin's Tale |
Armada - FX Racers | Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter |
Armorines | Mortal Kombat IV |
Army Men - Air Combat | Mr Driller |
Army Men I | Mr Nutz |
Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day! | Ms Pac-Man Special Color Edition |
Asterix - Search for Dogmatix | Mummy |
Asterix & Obelix vs Caesar | Mummy Returns |
Asteroids | NASCAR 2000 |
ATV Racing | NASCAR Challenge |
Austin Powers - Oh Behave! | NASCAR Heat |
Austin Powers -Underground Lair! | NASCAR Racers |
Babe & Friends | Nations - Land of Legends |
Baby Felix - Halloween | NBA Hoopz |
Backgammon | NBA In The Zone |
Ballistic | NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC |
Balloon Fight GB | New Addams Family Series |
Barbie - Fashion Pack Games | New Advnt of Mary-Kate & Ashley |
Barca Total 2000 | New York Race |
Bass Master's Classic | NFL Blitz |
Batman - Chaos in Gotham City | NHL 2000 |
Batman - Return of the Joker | NHL Blades of Steel |
Battle Tanx | Nicktoons' Racing |
Battleship | No Fear - Downhill Mountain Bike |
Bear in the Big Blue House | Noddy and the Birthday Party |
Benjamin Bluemchen | NSYNC - Get to the Show |
Bibi BlocksbergIm Bann | Obelix |
Billy Bob's Huntin' 'n' Fishin' | O'Leary Manager 2000 |
Bionic Commando - Elite Forces | Ottifanten - Kommando Stoertebek |
Black Bass - Lure Fishing | Pac-Man Special Color Edition |
Blade | Painter |
Blaster Master - Enemy Below | Paperboy |
Blue's Clues - Blue's Alphabet | Papyrus |
Boarder Zone | Perfect Dark |
Bob the Builder - Fix It Fun! | Pitfall - Beyond the Jungle |
Bomberman Max - Blue Champion | Planet of the Apes |
Bomberman Max - Red Challenger | Player Manager 2001 |
Bomberman Quest | Pocket Billiards-Funk the 9 Ball |
Bubble Bobble | Pocket Bomberman |
Buffy The Vampire Slayer | Pocket Bowling |
Bugs Bunny - Carrot Crazy | Pocket Music |
Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle IV | Pocket Racing |
Bust-a-Move IV | Pocket Soccer |
Bust-a-Move Millennium | Pokemon - Crystal |
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command | Pokemon - Diamond |
Cannon Fodder | Pokemon - Gold |
Card Sharks | Pokemon - Silver |
Carl Lewis Athletics 2000 | Pokemon - Yellow |
Carmageddon | Pokemon Pinball |
Casper | Pokemon Puzzle Challenge |
Caterpillar Construction Zone | Pokemon Trading Card Game |
Catwoman | Polaris SnoCross |
Catz - Your Virtual Petz Palz | Pong - The Next Level |
Centipede | Pooh & Tigger's Honey Safari |
Championship Motocross 2001 | Portal Runner |
Chase HQ - Secret Police | Power Quest |
Chessmaster | Power Rangers - Time Force |
Chicken Run | Power Rangers Light Speed Rescue |
Colin McRae Rally | Power Spike Pro Beach Volleyball |
Columns GB | Powerpuff Girls - Bad Mojo Jojo |
Commander Keen | Powerpuff Girls - Battle Him |
Conker's Pocket Tales | Powerpuff Girls - Townsville |
Cool Bricks | Prince Naseem Boxing |
Croc I - Legend of the Gobbos | Prince of Persia |
Cruis'n Exotica | Pro Darts |
Crystalis | Pro Pool |
Cubix - Robots For Everyone | Project S-11 |
Daffy Duck - Fowl Play | Puchi Carat |
Daikatana | Puzzle Master |
Dance Dance Revolution I | Puzzled |
Das Geheimnis der Happy | Q-Bert |
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX | Qix Adventure |
David Beckham Soccer | Quest - Fantasy Challenge |
Deer Hunter | Quest for Camelot |
Denki Blocks! | Quest RPG - Brian's Journey |
Dexter's Laboratory | Race Time |
Die Maus | Radikal Bikers |
Die Original Moorhuhn Jagd | Rainbow Islands |
Dinosaur'Us | Rampage I - World Tour |
Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc | Rampart |
Disney's 102 Dalmatians | Rats! |
Disney's A Bug's Life | Rayman I |
Disney's Aladdin | Razor - Freestyle Scooter |
Disney's Alice in Wonderland | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing |
Disney's Atlantis - Lost Empire | Resident Evil Gaiden |
Disney's Beauty and the Beast | Return of the Ninja |
Disney's Dinosaur | Revelations - The Demon Slayer |
Disney's Emperor's New Groove | Rhino Rumble |
Disney's Jungle Book | Rip-Tide Racer |
Disney's Lion King | Road Champs - BXS Stunt Biking |
Disney's Snow White | Road Rash |
Disney's Tarzan | Roadsters '98 |
Diva Starz - Mall Mania | Roadsters Trophy |
Dogz - Your Virtual Petz Palz | Robin Hood |
Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers | RoboCop |
Donkey Kong Country | Robopon - Sun Version |
Donkey Kong GB | Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem |
Doug's Big Game | Rocket Power - Gettin' Air |
Dracula - Crazy Vampire | Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Warriors | Roland Garros French Open |
Dragon Dance | Ronaldo V-Soccer |
Dragon Tales - Dragon Wings | Roswell Conspiracies |
Dragon Tales Adventure | Rox |
Dragon Warrior Monsters I | R-Type DX |
Dragon's Lair | Rugrats - Time Travelers |
Driver - You Are The Wheelman | Rugrats - Totally Angelica |
Dropzone | Rugrats in Paris - The Movie |
Drymouth | Rugrats Movie |
Duke Nukem | Sabrina Spooked |
Dukes of Hazzard | Sabrina Zapped! |
DynaMike | San Francisco Rush 2049 |
Earthworm Jim - Menace 2 Galaxy | Santa Claus Junior |
ECW Hardcore Revolution | Scooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers |
Elevator Action EX | Scrabble |
Elmo in Grouchland | Sesame Street Sports |
Elmo's 123s | Sgt Rock - On The Front Line |
Elmo's ABCs | Shadowgate Classic |
ET - Digital Companion | Shamus |
ET - Escape From Planet Earth | Shanghai Pocket |
ET and the Cosmic Garden | Shantae |
European Super League | Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarding |
Evel Knievel | Shrek - Fairy Tale Freakdown |
Extreme Ghostbusters | Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror |
Extreme Sports -Berenstein Bears | Smurfs Nightmare |
F-1 Championship Season 2000 | Snoopy Tennis |
F-1 Racing Championship | Soccer Manager |
F-1 World Grand Prix I | Sonic VII |
F-18 Thunder Strike | Space Invaders |
FA Premier League Stars 2001 | Space Invasion |
FIFA 2000 | Space Marauder |
Fish Files | Space Station - Silicon Valley |
Fisher Price - Rescue Heroes | Spawn |
Flintstones - Burgertime Bedrock | Speedy Gonzales |
Flipper & Lopaka | Spider-Man I |
Force 21 | Spirou Robbedoes -Robot Invasion |
Formula One 2000 | SpongeBob SquarePants - LotLS |
Fort Boyard | Spy vs Spy |
Frogger I | Star Wars - Episode I - Obi-Wan |
Galaga - Destination Earth | Star Wars - Episode I - Racer |
Gen the Carpenter | Star Wars - Yoda Stories |
Gex - Enter the Gecko | Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' |
Ghosts 'N Goblins | Stuart Little - The Journey Home |
Gift | Super Bombliss DX |
Gobs of Games | Super Breakout! |
Godzilla - Monster Wars | Super Chinese Fighter EX |
Godzilla - The Series | Super Mario Bros Deluxe |
Gold and Glory-Road to El Dorado | Supercross Freestyle |
Grand Theft Auto I | Survival Kids |
Gremlins Unleashed | Suzuki Alstare Extreme |
Grinch | Swing |
Halloween Racer | SWiV |
Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! | Sylvanian Families |
Hands of Time | Sylvanian Melodies |
Harley Davidson - Race America | Tazmanian Devil |
Harry Potter - Sorcerer's Stone | Tech Deck Skateboarding |
Harry Potter-Chamber of Secrets | Test Drive 2001 |
Harvest Moon GB | Test Drive Cycles |
Hello Kitty no Magical Museum | Test Drive Le Mans |
Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy | Test Drive VI |
Hercules - Legendary Journeys | Tetris DX |
Heroes of Might and Magic I | Three Lions |
Hexcite - The Shapes of Victory | Thunder Blast Man |
Hollywood Pinball | Thunderbirds |
Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 |
Hoyle Card Games | TinTin - Le Temple du Soleil |
Hoyle Casino | Tintin in Tibet |
Hugo - Black Diamond Fever | Tiny Toon Adventures - BStD |
Hugo - The Evil Mirror | Tiny Toon Adventures - DCQ |
Hugo 2 1-2 | Titus the Fox |
Hype - The Time Quest | TNN Outdoors Fishing Champ |
Indiana Jones - Infernal Machine | TOCA Touring Car Championship |
Inspector Gadget | Toki Tori |
International Karate | Tom & Jerry |
International Rally | Tom & Jerry - Mouse Hunt |
International Track & Field | Tom & Jerry in Mouse Attacks! |
Intnl Superstar Soccer 2000 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six |
Intnl Superstar Soccer '99 | Tomb Raider |
JanoschDas Grosse Panama Spiel | Tomb Raider - Curse of the Sword |
Jeff Gordon Team XS Racing | Tonic Trouble |
Jeremy McGrath's Supercross 2000 | Tonka Construction Site |
Jim Henson's Muppets | Tonka Raceway |
Jimmy White's Cueball | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater I |
Joust & Defender | Toobin' |
Jumpstart Dino Adventure | Toonsylvania |
Kaept'n Blaubaer - Die verrueckt | Top Gear Pocket I |
Karate Joe | Top Gun - Fire Storm |
Keep the Balance | Total Soccer 2000 |
Kelly Club - Clubhouse Fun | Towers - Lord Baniff's Deceit |
Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest | Toy Story Racer |
Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble | Trick Boarder |
Kirikou | Triple Play 2001 |
KLAX | Trouballs |
Klustar | Turok I - Rage Wars |
Knockout Kings | Tweenies - Doodles' Bones |
Land Before Time | Tweety's High-flying Adventures |
Las Vegas Cool Hand | Tyco RC - Racin' Ratz |
Laura | Tyrian 2000 |
Legend of the River King I | Ultimate Fighting Championship |
Legend of Zelda-Link's Awakening | Ultimate Paintball |
Legend of Zelda-Oracle of Ages | Ultimate Surfing |
Legend of Zelda-Oracle of Season | UNO |
LEGO Alpha Team | Vegas Games |
LEGO Racers | Vigilante 8 |
LEGO Stunt Rally | VIP |
Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings | V-Rally '99 |
Lil' Monster | Wacky Races |
Little Magic | Walt Disney World Quest |
Little Nicky | Warlocked |
Logical | Warriors of Might and Magic |
Looney Tunes | WCW Mayhem |
Looney Tunes - Twouble! | Wendy - Every Witch Way |
Looney Tunes Collector - Alert! | Wetrix GB |
Looney Tunes Racing | Wild Thornberrys - Rambler |
Lucky Luke | Wings of Fury |
Lucky Luke - Desperado Train | Winnie the Pooh Adventures |
Lufia - The Legend Returns | Wizardry I |
Lupo | Woody Woodpecker |
M&M's Minis Madness | Woody Woodpecker Racing |
Magi Nation | World Destruction League |
Magical Drop | Worms - Armageddon |
Magical Tetris Challenge | WWF - Attitude |
Marble Madness | WWF - Wrestlemania 2000 |
Mario Tennis | WWF Betrayal |
Marvin Strikes Back! | Xena - Warrior Princess |
Mary Kate & Ashley Crush Course | X-Men - Mutant Academy |
Mask of Zorro | X-Men - Mutant Wars |
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX | X-Men - Wolverine's Rage |
Matchbox - Emergency Patrol | X-Treme Sports |
Maya the Bee - Garden Adventures | Xtreme Wheels |
Maya the Bee and Her Friends | Yars Revenge - Quotile Ultimatum |
Mega Man Xtreme I | Yogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast |
Men In Black I - The Series | Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories |
Merlin | Zebco Fishing! |
Metal Gear Solid | Zidane - Football Generation |
Metal Walker | Zoboomafoo |
Game Boy Advance - 500 Jogos
007 - Everything or Nothing | Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Blue Moon |
007 - Nightfire | Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun |
Activision Anthology | Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel |
Advance Guardian Heroes | Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Protoman |
Advance Wars | Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar |
Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising | Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Gregar |
Aero the Acro-Bat | Mega Man Zero |
AirForce Delta Storm | Mega Man Zero 2 |
Alien Hominid | Mega Man Zero 3 |
Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms | Mega Man Zero 4 |
American Bass Challenge | Metal Slug Advance |
Anguna - Warriors of Virtue | Metalgun Slinger |
Astro Boy - Omega Factor | Metroid - Zero Mission |
Atari Anniversary Advance | Metroid Fusion |
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance | Micro Machines |
Ballistic - Ecks vs. Sever | Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits |
Banjo-Kazooie - Grunty's Revenge | Millipede, Super Breakout & Lunar Lander |
Banjo-Pilot | Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - Battle Assault |
Baseball Advance | Monopoly |
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu | Monster Force |
Batman - Vengeance | Monster House |
Batman Begins | Monster Rancher Advance |
Battle B-Daman | Monster Rancher Advance 2 |
Battle B-Daman - Fire Spirits! | Monster Truck Madness |
Beyblade G-Revolution | Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance |
Blackthorne | Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition |
Blades of Thunder | Mortal Kombat Advance |
Blast Arena Advance | Moto Racer Advance |
Blender Bros. | Motocross Maniacs Advance |
Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand | MotoGP |
Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django | Mr. Driller 2 |
Bomberman Max 2 - Blue Advance | Mr. Nutz |
Bomberman Max 2 - Red Advance | Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness |
Bomberman Tournament | Namco Museum |
Boulder Dash EX | Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary |
Breath of Fire | NBA Jam 2002 |
Breath of Fire II | Need for Speed - Most Wanted |
Broken Circle | Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed |
Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars | Need for Speed - Underground |
Bruce Lee - Return of the Legend | Need for Speed - Underground 2 |
Bubble Bobble - Old & New | Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City |
Capcom Classics Mini Mix | Ninja Five-O |
Car Battler Joe | Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee |
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow | Onimusha Tactics |
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon | Pac-Man Collection |
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance | Pac-Man World |
Celeste Classic | Pac-Man World 2 |
Centipede, Breakout & Warlords | Paperboy & Rampage |
ChuChu Rocket! | Phalanx |
CIMA - The Enemy | Phantasy Star Collection |
Classic NES Series - Bomberman | Pinball Advance |
Classic NES Series - Castlevania | Pinball of the Dead, The |
Classic NES Series - Donkey Kong | Pinobee - Wings of Adventure |
Classic NES Series - Dr. Mario | Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest |
Classic NES Series - Excitebike | Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl |
Classic NES Series - Ice Climber | Pitfall - The Lost Expedition |
Classic NES Series - Metroid | Planet Monsters |
Classic NES Series - Pac-Man | Pocky & Rocky with Becky |
Classic NES Series - Super Mario Bros. | Pokemon Emerald Version |
Classic NES Series - The Legend of Zelda | Pokemon FireRed Version |
Classic NES Series - Xevious | Pokemon LeafGreen Version |
Classic NES Series - Zelda II - The Adventure of Link | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team |
Columns Crown | Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire |
Comix Zone | Pokemon Ruby Version |
Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX | Pokemon Sapphire Version |
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure | Polarium Advance |
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced | Pong, Asteroids & Yars' Revenge |
Crash Bandicoot Purple - Ripto's Rampage | Prehistorik Man |
Crash Nitro Kart | Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time |
Crazy Taxi - Catch a Ride | Puyo Pop |
CT Special Forces | Puyo Pop Fever |
CT Special Forces 2 - Back in the Trenches | Qwak |
CT Special Forces 3 - Bioterror | Racing Gears Advance |
Custom Robo GX | Rave Master - Special Attack Force! |
Darius R | Rayman - Hoodlum's Revenge |
Dark Arena | Rayman - Raving Rabbids |
Deadpool | Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc |
DemiKids - Dark Version | Rayman Advance |
DemiKids - Light Version | Rebelstar - Tactical Command |
Denki Blocks! | Revenge of Shinobi, The |
Desert Strike Advance | River City Ransom EX |
Digimon Battle Spirit | Riviera - The Promised Land |
Digimon Battle Spirit 2 | Road Rash - Jailbreak |
Digimon Racing | Road Trip - Shifting Gears |
Dinotopia - The Timestone Pirates | Robopon 2 - Cross Version |
Disney's Aladdin | Robopon 2 - Ring Version |
Disney's Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey Fist | Robotech - The Macross Saga |
Disney's Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise | Rock n' Roll Racing |
Disney's Kim Possible 3 - Team Possible | R-Type III - The Third Lightning |
Disney's Lilo & Stitch | Sabre Wulf |
Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2 - Haemsterviel Havoc | Samurai Deeper Kyo |
Disney's Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & Minnie | Samurai Jack - The Amulet of Time |
Disney's Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald | Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem |
Disney's Magical Quest Starring Mickey & Minnie | Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris |
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle | Scurge - Hive |
Disney's The Lion King 1 1-2 | SD Gundam Force |
DK - King of Swing | Sega Arcade Gallery |
Dokapon - Monster Hunter | Sega Smash Pack |
Donald Duck Advance | Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon |
Donkey Kong Country | Shining Soul |
Donkey Kong Country 2 | Shining Soul II |
Donkey Kong Country 3 | Shonen Jump's Naruto - Ninja Council |
Doom | Shonen Jump's Naruto - Ninja Council 2 |
Doom II | Shonen Jump's One Piece |
Double Dragon Advance | Shonen Jump's Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Soaring Hawk |
Dr. Mario & Puzzle League | Shonen Jump's Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Sprinting Wolf |
Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure | Shonen Jump's Shaman King - Master of Spirits |
Dragon Ball GT - Transformation | Shonen Jump's Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 |
Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury | Shrek 2 |
Dragon Ball Z - Collectible Card Game | Sigma Star Saga |
Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors | Silent Scope |
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku | SimCity 2000 |
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II | Simpsons, The - Road Rage |
Drill Dozer | Sims 2, The |
Driv3r | Sims 2, The - Pets |
Driver 2 Advance | Sims Bustin' Out, The |
Drome Racers | Smashing Drive |
Dual Blades | Snood |
Duel Masters - Kaijudo Showdown | Snood 2 - On Vacation |
Duel Masters - Sempai Legends | Sonic Advance |
Duel Masters - Shadow of the Code | Sonic Advance 2 |
Duke Nukem Advance | Sonic Advance 3 |
Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder | Sonic Battle |
Dynasty Warriors Advance | Sonic Pinball Party |
Earthworm Jim | Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Space Channel 5 - Ulala's Cosmic Attack |
Ecks vs. Sever | Space Invaders |
Egg Mania | Spider-Man |
Family Feud | Spider-Man - Battle for New York |
FIFA Soccer 07 | Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace |
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls | Spider-Man 2 |
Final Fantasy IV Advance | Spider-Man 3 |
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance | Spirits & Spells |
Final Fantasy V Advance | SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom |
Final Fantasy VI Advance | Spy Hunter |
Final Fight One | Spy Hunter & Super Sprint |
Fire Emblem | Spyro - Attack of the Rhynocs |
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones | Spyro - Season of Ice |
Fire Pro Wrestling | Spyro 2 - Season of Flame |
Fire Pro Wrestling 2 | Spyro Orange - The Cortex Conspiracy |
Fortress | Star Wars - The New Droid Army |
Frogger Advance - The Great Quest | Star Wars Episode I - Jedi Power Battles |
Frogger's Adventures - Temple of the Frog | Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones |
Frogger's Adventures 2 - The Lost Wand | Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith |
Frogger's Journey - The Forgotten Relic | Star Wars Trilogy - Apprentice of the Force |
F-Zero - GP Legend | Star X |
F-Zero - Maximum Velocity | Steel Empire |
Gadget Racers | Street Fighter Alpha 3 |
Game & Watch Gallery 4 | Stuntman |
Garfield and His Nine Lives | Summon Night - Swordcraft Story |
Gauntlet - Dark Legacy | Summon Night - Swordcraft Story 2 |
Gauntlet & Rampart | Super Army War |
Gekido Advance - Kintaro's Revenge | Super Bust-A-Move |
Gem Smashers | Super Dodge Ball Advance |
Ghost Rider | Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts |
Godzilla - Domination! | Super Mario Advance |
Golden Sun | Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World |
Golden Sun - The Lost Age | Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island |
Gorf | Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 |
Gradius Galaxies | Super Monkey Ball Jr. |
Grand Theft Auto Advance | Super Puzzle Fighter II |
GT Advance - Championship Racing | Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation |
GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing | Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation 2 |
GT Advance 3 - Pro Concept Racing | Super Star Shooter Advance |
Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition | Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Revival |
Gumby vs. the Astrobots | Sword of Mana |
Gunstar Super Heroes | Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lodis |
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Games | Tak - The Great Juju Challenge |
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Heartbreak | Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams |
Hamtaro - Rainbow Rescue | Tak and the Power of Juju |
Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup | Tales of Phantasia |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Tang Tang |
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Teen Titans |
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Teen Titans 2 |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus |
Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town | Tekken Advance |
Harvest Moon - More Friends of Mineral Town | Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines |
Hobbit, The - The Prelude to The Lord of the Rings | Tetris Worlds |
I Spy Challenger! | Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Pumpkin King |
Ice Nine | Tiny Toon Adventures - Scary Dreams |
Incredible Hulk, The | Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Stackers |
Incredibles, The | TMNT |
International Superstar Soccer | Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance |
International Superstar Soccer Advance | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear |
Invader | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell |
Iridion 3D | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow |
Iridion II | Tomb Raider - Legend |
It's Mr. Pants | Tomb Raider - The Prophecy |
Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Dark Hand | Tony Hawk's American Sk8land |
James Pond - Codename RoboCod | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam |
Jazz Jackrabbit | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 |
Jet Grind Radio | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 |
Jurassic Park III - Park Builder | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 |
Justice League Heroes - The Flash | Tony Hawk's Underground |
Karnaaj Rally | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 |
Kill.Switch | Top Gear Rally |
King of Fighters EX, The - Neo Blood | Tower SP, The |
King of Fighters EX2, The - Howling Blood | Tron 2.0 - Killer App |
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories | Turbo Turtle Adventure |
Kirby - Nightmare in Dream Land | Turok - Evolution |
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror | Tweety and the Magic Gems |
Klonoa - Empire of Dreams | Ultimate Brain Games |
Klonoa 2 - Dream Champ Tournament | Ultimate Card Games |
Konami Collector's Series - Arcade Advanced | Ultimate Muscle - The Kinnikuman Legacy - The Path of the Superhero |
Konami Krazy Racers | Ultimate Spider-Man |
Kuru Kuru Kururin | Uno 52 |
Lady Sia | Uno Free Fall |
Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning | Urbz, The - Sims in the City |
Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night | Virtua Tennis |
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords | Virtual Kasparov |
Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap | V-Rally 3 |
LEGO Bionicle | Wade Hixton's Counter Punch |
LEGO Racers 2 | Waimanu - Grinding Blocks Adventure |
LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game | Walt Disney's The Jungle Book |
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy | Wario Land 4 |
Lode Runner | WarioWare - Twisted! |
Lord of the Rings, The - The Fellowship of the Ring | WarioWare, Inc. - Mega Microgames! |
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King | Wing Commander - Prophecy |
Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age | Wings |
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers | Wolfenstein 3D |
Lost Vikings, The | Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5 |
Lucky Luke - Wanted! | World Reborn |
Lufia - The Ruins of Lore | Worms Blast |
Lunar Legend | Worms World Party |
Manic Miner | WWE Road to WrestleMania X8 |
Marble Madness & Klax | WWE Survivor Series |
Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga | WWF Road to WrestleMania |
Mario Golf - Advance Tour | X-Men - Reign of Apocalypse |
Mario Kart - Super Circuit | X-Men - The Official Game |
Mario Party Advance | X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge |
Mario Pinball Land | Yggdra Union - We'll Never Fight Alone |
Mario Tennis - Power Tour | Yoshi Topsy-Turvy |
Mario vs. Donkey Kong | Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghostfiles - Spirit Detective |
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance | Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghostfiles - Tournament Tactics |
Marvel's The Invincible Iron Man | Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory - World Championship Tournament 2005 |
Max Payne | Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler |
Mazes of Fate | Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters |
Mech Platoon | Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy |
Medabots - Metabee Version | Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction |
Medabots - Rokusho Version | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul |
Medabots AX - Metabee Ver. | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards |
Medabots AX - Rokusho Ver. | Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters - World Championship Tournament 2006 |
Medal of Honor - Infiltrator | Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 |
Mega Man & Bass | Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel |
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge | Zatch Bell! Electric Arena |
Mega Man Battle Network | Zoids Legacy |
Mega Man Battle Network 2 | Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars |
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Blue Version | ZooCube |
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White Version | Zooo - Action Puzzle Game |
Fliperama - 603 Jogos
1943 Kai Midway Kaisen | Metamorphic Force |
1943 The Battle of Midway | Metro-Cross |
1944 The Loop Master | Midnight Resistance |
1945k III | Mikie |
2020 Super Baseball | Millipede |
3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex | Money Puzzle Exchanger |
64th. Street - A Detective Story | Monster Slider |
88 Games | Moon Cresta |
'99 The Last War | Moon Quasar |
Acrobat Mission | Mr. Do! |
Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon | Mr. Do's Castle |
Aero Fighters 1 | Mr. Goemon |
Aero Fighters 2 | Ms. Pac-Man |
Aero Fighters 3 | Muscle Bomber Duo Ultimate Team Battle |
Aggressors of Dark Kombat | Mutation Nation |
Air Attack | My Hero |
Air Buster Trouble Specialty Raid Unit | NAM-1975 |
Airwolf | Bios Neogeo - Não é Jogo |
Alex Kidd The Lost Stars | Nastar |
Alien Syndrome | Nemesis |
Aliens | Nemo |
Alligator Hunt | Neo Bomberman |
Alpha Mission II | Neo Drift Out - New Technology |
Amidar | Neo Mr. Do! |
Andro Dunos | Neo Turf Masters |
Arkanoid | Neo-Geo Cup '98 |
Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH | New Rally X |
Art of Fighting 1 | Night Warriors Darkstalkers' Revenge |
Art of Fighting 2 | Nightmare in the Dark |
Art of Fighting 3 | Ninja Combat |
Ashura Blaster | Ninja Commando |
Asterix | Ninja Emaki |
Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty | Ninja Gaiden |
Avengers | Ninja Kazan |
Avenging Spirit | Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho |
Back Street Soccer | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken |
Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki | Omega Fighter |
Bakutotsu Kijuutei | Osman |
Bang Bang Busters | Over Top |
Bang Bead | Ozma Wars |
Bank Panic | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War |
Baseball Stars 2 | P-47 - The Phantom Fighter |
Baseball Stars Professional | Pac-Land |
Battlantis | Pac-Man |
Battle Circuit | Pang! 3 |
Battle Flip Shot | Panic Bomber |
Battle Garegga | Parodius DA! |
Battle K-Road | Pengo |
Battle of Atlantis | Penguin Brothers |
Bay Route | Penguin-Kun Wars |
Beast Busters | Phoenix |
Big Karnak | Pipe Dream |
Biomechanical Toy | Pirates |
Bio-ship Paladin | Pleasure Goal |
Black Heart | Plotting |
Black Hole | Pnickies |
Black Panther | Pochi and Nyaa |
Black Tiger | Pooyan |
Blandia | Pop 'n Bounce |
Blaze On | Power Instinct |
Blazing Star | Power Spikes 1 |
Block Hole | Power Spikes 2 |
Blood Bros. | Prehistoric Isle 2 |
Bloxeed | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 |
Blue's Journey | Progear |
Bogey Manor | Psycho Soldier |
Bomb Bee | PuLiRuLa |
Bomber Man World | Pulstar |
Boxy Boy | Punk Shot |
Break Thru | Puzzle Bobble 1 |
Breakers | Puzzle Bobble 2 |
Breakers Revenge | Puzzle De Pon! |
Bubble Memories The Story Of Bubble Bobble III | Puzzle De Pon! R! |
Bucky O'Hare | Puzzle Uo Poko |
Bump 'n' Jump | Puzzled |
Burger Time | Puzznic |
Burning Fight | Qbert |
Buster Bros. | Quester |
B-Wings | Quiz & Dragons Capcom Quiz Game |
Cabal | Rafflesia |
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs | Rage of the Dragons |
Captain Commando | Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken |
Captain Tomaday | Raiga - Strato Fighter |
Carrier Air Wing | Raimais |
Caveman Ninja | Rally X |
Centipede | Rastan |
Chain Reaction | Rastan |
Chameleon | Real Bout Fatal Fury 1 |
Champion Wrestler | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 |
Charlie Ninja | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special |
Chelnov - Atomic Runner | Regulus |
China Gate | Renegade |
Chuka Taisen | Return of the Invaders |
Circus Charlie | Rezon |
City Bomber | Riding Hero |
City Connection | Ring of Destruction Slammasters II |
Cobra-Command | Risky Challenge |
Congo Bongo | Robo Army |
Continental Circus | Rock'n Rage |
Contra | Roc'n Rope |
Cosmo Police Galivan | Rod-Land |
Crazy Balloon | Rollergames |
Crazy Climber 1 | Rolling Crush |
Crazy Climber 2 | Rolling Thunder |
Crime City | Rush'n Attack |
Crime Fighters | Rygar |
Crossed Swords | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y |
Crude Buster | Saint Dragon |
Cyber-Lip | Samurai Shodown 1 |
Dangerous Seed | Samurai Shodown 2 |
Darius | Samurai Shodown 3 |
Dark Seal | Samurai Shodown 4 |
Dark Tower | Samurai Shodown 5 |
Darwin 4078 | Samurai Shodown 5 - Especial |
Dead Connection | Sand Scorpion |
Demon Front | SAR - Search And Rescue |
Dig Dug 1 | Saturday Night Slam Masters |
Dig Dug 2 | Savage Reign |
DJ Boy | Scramble |
DoDonPachi | Section Z |
Don Doko Don | Sega Ninja |
Donkey Kong | Seicross |
Donkey Kong Junior | Sengoku 1 |
Double Dragon 1 | Sengoku 2 |
Double Dragon 2 | Sengoku 3 |
Double Dragon 3 | Shackled |
Double Dribble | Shao-lin's Road |
Dr. Toppel's Adventure | Shinobi |
Dragon Breed | Shock Troopers 1 |
Dragon Buster | Shock Troopers 2 |
Dragon Unit | Shogun Warriors |
Dragon's Heaven | Side Pocket |
Drakton | Silk Worm |
Dream Soccer '94 | Sky Kid |
Dream World | Sky Soldiers |
Dunk Shot | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos |
Dyna Gear | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus |
Dynamite Dux | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus |
Dynasty Wars | Snow Bros. 1 |
E.D.F. Earth Defense Force | Snow Bros. 2 |
Eagle Shot Golf | Soccer Brawl |
Eco Fighters | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness |
Eight Man | Solomon's Key |
Escape Kids | Son Son |
ESP Ra.De. | Space Harrier |
E-Swat - Cyber Police | Space Invaders / Space Invaders M |
Exed Exes | Space Invaders DX |
Explosive Breaker | Spin Master |
Extermination | Splatter House |
F-1 Dream | Stakes Winner 1 |
Fantasy Zone 1 | Stakes Winner 2 |
Fantasy Zone 2 | Strategy X |
Far East of Eden | Street Fighter |
Fast Lane | Super Street Fighter II Turbo |
Fatal Fury 1 | Street Fighter II Champion Edition |
Fatal Fury 2 | Street Fighter II Anniversary (Hyper) |
Fatal Fury 3 | Street Fighter II The World Warrior |
Fatal Fury Special | Street Fighter II Rodoviaria |
Fight Fever | Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers |
Final Fight | Street Fighter Alpha 1 |
Final Star Force | Street Fighter Alpha 2 |
Finalizer - Super Transformation | Street Fighter Alpha 3 |
Flicky | Street Hoop |
Food Fight | Street Smart |
Football Frenzy | Strider |
Forgotten Worlds | Strikers 1945 1 |
Frogger | Strikers 1945 2 |
G.I. Joe | Strikers 1945 3 |
Gaia Crusaders | Strikers 1945 Plus |
Galactic Warriors | Sunset Riders |
Galaga | Super Cobra |
Galaga '88 | Super Contra |
Galaxian | Super Dodge Ball |
Galaxy Fight | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix |
Galmedes | Super Glob |
Ganryu | Super Pac-Man |
Gardia | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo |
Garou - Mark of the Wolves | Super Ranger |
Garyo Retsuden | Super Sidekicks 1 |
Gauntlet 1 | Super Sidekicks 2 |
Gauntlet 2 | Super Sidekicks 3 |
Gemini Wing | Super Spacefortress Macross 1 |
Genpei ToumaDen | Super Spacefortress Macross 2 |
Ghost Pilots | Super Volleyball |
Ghostlop | Super Zaxxon |
Ghosts'n Goblins | Superman |
Ghox | Surprise Attack |
Giga Wing | Susume! Mile Smile |
Gigandes | SWAT Police |
Ginga NinkyouDen | Tank Force |
Goal! Goal! Goal! | Task Force Harrier |
Gogetsuji Legends | Tecmo World Soccer '96 |
Golden Axe | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Gradius 1 | Tengai |
Gradius 3 | Tetris |
Great 1000 Miles Rally Evolution Model!!! | Tetris Plus 2 |
Green Beret | The Battle-Road |
Grobda | The Berlin Wall |
Growl | The Combatribes |
Guardian 1 | The Deep |
Guardians 2 | The FairyLand Story |
Guerrilla War | The Final Round |
Gulf Storm | The Irritating Maze |
Gun.Smoke | The King of Dragons |
Gunbird 2 | KOF 94 |
Gundhara | KOF 95 |
GunNail | KOF 96 |
Gururin | KOF 96 Esp |
Guwange | KOF 97 |
Gyrodine | KOF 97 Esp |
Gyruss | KOF 98 |
HAL21 | KOF 99 |
Hammerin' Harry | KOF 2000 |
Hard Head 1 | KOF 2001 |
Hard Head 2 | KOF 2001 Plus |
Hatris | KOF 2002 |
Haunted Castle | KOF 2002 Magic Plus |
Heavy Metal | KOF 2002 Magic Plus 2 |
Heavy Unit | KOF 2002 Unique |
Hexion | KOF 2000 Extra Plus |
Hippodrome | KOF 2003 |
Hit the Ice | KOF 2004 Plus |
Hook | KOF 2004 Esp |
Hoops '96 | The Last Blade 1 |
Hopping Mappy | The Last Blade 2 |
Horizon | The Legend of Kage |
Hotdog Storm | The Legend of Silkroad |
Hyper Sports | The Lost Castle In Darkmist |
Street Fighter II Hyper - The Anniversary Edition | The NewZealand Story |
Ikari III - The Rescue | The Ninja Kids |
Ikari Warriors | The Punisher |
I'm Sorry | The Return of Ishtar |
Image Fight | The Super Spy |
In The Hunt | The Tower of Druaga |
Insector X | The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship |
Iron Horse | Thrash Rally |
J. J. Squawkers | Three Wonders |
Jackal | Thunder Blade |
Jail Break | Thunder Cross 1 |
Jockey Grand Prix | Thunder Cross 2 |
Joe & Mac Returns | Thunder Dragon |
Juno First | Thunder Fox |
Karate Blazers | Thunder Hoop |
Karate Champ | Thundercade |
Karian Cross | Tiger Road |
Karnov | Tiger-Heli |
Karnov's Revenge | Time Pilot |
Kicker | Time Soldiers |
King of the Monsters 1 | Toki |
King of the Monsters 2 | Toki no Senshi |
Kizuna Encounter | Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy |
Knights of the Round | Top Player's Golf |
Knuckle Bash | Tough Turf |
Knuckle Joe | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes |
Kung-Fu Master | Toypop |
Kuri Kinton | Track & Field |
Lady Bug | Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose |
Last Resort | Tumble Pop |
League Bowling | Turkey Hunting |
Legend | Twin Action |
Legend of Hero Tonma | Twin Falcons |
Legend of Makai | Twinkle Star Sprites |
Legend of Success Joe | U.N. Squadron |
Legendary Wings | Ultra Toukon Densetsu |
Lethal Enforcers | Undercover Cops |
Lifeforce | Up'n Down |
Liquid Kids | Vampire Hunter 2 |
Lock'n'Chase | Vampire Savior 1 |
Lode Runner - The Dig Fight | Vampire Savior 2 |
Lode Runner 1 | Vanguard 1 |
Lode Runner 2 | Vanguard 2 |
Lode Runner 3 | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation |
Lode Runner 4 | Vastar |
Lot Lot | Vendetta |
ltorb1 | Viewpoint |
Magic Sword Heroic Fantasy | Vigilante |
Magical Drop 2 | Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer |
Magical Drop 3 | Vulcan Venture |
Magician Lord | Vulgus |
Mappy | Waku Waku 7 |
Marchen Maze | Warriors of Fate |
Mars Matrix Hyper Solid Shooting | Wild Fang |
Marvel Super Heroes | Willow |
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter | Windjammers |
Marvel Vs. Capcom Clash of Super Heroes | Wonder Boy |
Matrimelee | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair |
Mega Man 1 | Wonder Boy in Monster Land |
Mega Man 2 | Wonder Momo |
Mega Twins | World Heroes 1 |
Meikyu Jima | World Heroes 2 |
Metal Black | World Heroes 2 Jet |
Metal Slug 1 | World Heroes Perfect |
Metal Slug 2 | WWF WrestleFest |
Metal Slug 3 | Wyvern F-0 |
Metal Slug 4 | X-Men Vs. Street Fighter |
Metal Slug 4 Plus | Yie Ar Kung-Fu |
Metal Slug 5 | Zaxxon |
Metal Slug 5 Plus | Zed Blade |
Metal Slug 6 | Zintrick |
Metal Slug X | Zombie Raid |
Metal Soldier Isaac II | Zupapa! |
Metamoqester |
Nintendo - 1000 Jogos
1942 | King's Knight |
1943 | Kings of the Beach |
100 World Story | King's Quest V |
10-Yard Fight | Kirby's Adventure |
3-D Battles of WorldRunner | Kiteretsu Daihyakka |
3D Block | Klash Ball |
75 Bingo | Knight Rider |
8 Eyes | Knights of the Zodiac |
A Boy and His Blob | Knights Of The Zodiac - Final Chapter |
A Nightmare On Elm Street | Konami Hyper Soccer |
Abadox | Krazy Kreatures |
Acala Legend | Krion Conquest |
Action 52 | Krusty's Fun House |
AD&D - Dragons of Flame | Kung Fu |
AD&D Dragon Strike | Kung-Fu Heroes |
AD&D Heroes of the Lance | Kunio-Kun's Soccer League |
AD&D Hillsfar | Labyrinth |
AD&D Pool of Radiance | Laser Invasion |
Addams Family | Last Action Hero |
Addams Family - Pugslys Scavenger Hunt | Last Ninja |
Addams Family - Uncle Fester's Quest | Last Starfighter |
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom | Layla |
Adventures of Bayou Billy | Legacy of the Wizard |
Adventures of Captain Comic | Legend of Kage |
Adventures of Dino Riki | Legend of Prince Valiant |
Adventures of Dr Franken | Legend of Robin Hood |
Adventures of Lex & Grim | Legend of the Ghost Lion |
Adventures of Lolo I | Legend of Zelda |
Adventures of Musashi | Legendary Wings |
Adventures of Rad Gravity | Legends of the Diamond |
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle | Lemmings |
Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Lethal Weapon |
After Burner | Lifeforce |
After Burner II | Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade |
Ai Senshi Nicol | Lion King |
Air Fortress | Little Ghosts |
Airball | Little Mermaid |
Airwolf | Little Nemo - The Dream Master |
Al Unser Jr Turbo Racing | Little Ninja Brothers |
Aladdin | Little Red Hood |
Aladdin II | Little Samson |
Alfred Chicken | Lode Runner |
Alien 3 | Lone Ranger |
Alien Syndrome | Loopz |
All-Pro Basketball | Lost Word of Jenny |
Alpha Mission | Lot Lot |
Alter Ego | Low G Man |
Altered Beast | Lunar Pool |
Amagon | Mach Rider |
Ambushed | Mad Max |
American Dream | Madara |
American Gladiators | Magic Block |
Antarctic Adventure | Magic Carpet 1001 |
Anticipation | Magic Cube |
Arch Rivals | Magic Darts |
Archon | Magic Dragon |
Arctic | Magic Jewelry |
Argus | Magical Doropie |
Arkanoid | Magician |
Arkista's Ring | Magmax |
Armadillo | Maharaja |
Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust | Major League Baseball |
Assimilate | Makai Island |
Asterix | Maniac Mansion |
Astro Fang - Super Machine | Mappy |
Astro Robo Sasa | Mappy Kids |
Astroid | Mappy-Land |
Astyanax | Marble Madness |
Athena | Mario Bros |
Athletic World | Mario Is Missing! |
Atlantis no Nazo | Mario's Time Machine! |
Attack Animal Academy | Marvel's X-Men |
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes | Masmix |
Aussie Rules Footy | Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu |
Auto-Upturn | Maze of Galious |
Baby Boomer | MC Kids |
Back to the Future I | Mechanized Attack |
Bad Dudes | Mega Man I |
Bad News Baseball | Menace Beach |
Bad Street Brawler | Mendel Palace |
Ball 'n Flag | Mermaids of Atlantis |
Ball Story | Metal Fighter |
Ballblazer | Metal Force |
Balloon Fight | Metal Gear I |
Baltron | Metal Mech |
Banana | Metal Storm |
Banana Prince | Metro-Cross |
Bandit Kings of Ancient China | Metroid |
Barbie | Michael Andretti's World Grand Prix |
Bard's Tale | Mickey Mouse - Dream Balloon |
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting | Mickey Mousecapade |
Base Wars | Mickey's Adventures in Numberland |
Baseball | Mickey's Safari In Letterland |
Baseball Simulator 1000 | Micro Machines |
Baseball Stars I | Middle School English |
Bases Loaded I | Might and Magic |
Bashi Bazook - Morphoid Masher | Mighty Atom |
Batman | Mighty Bomb Jack |
Batman - Return of the Joker | Mighty Final Fight |
Batman Flash | Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers |
Batman Returns | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! |
Bats & Terry | Millipede |
Battle Chess | Milon's Secret Castle |
Battle City | Minesweeper |
Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril | Mini Putt |
Battle Kid 2 - Mountain of Torment (U) | Miracle Piano Teaching System |
Battle of Olympus | Mission Cobra |
Battle Tank | Mission Impossible |
Battleship | Mobile Suit Z Gundam - Hot Scramble |
Battletoads | Monopoly |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | Monster in my Pocket |
BB Car | Monster Party |
Beat'en & Eat'em | Monster Truck Rally |
Beauty and the Beast | Moon Crystal |
Bee 52 | Moon Princess Legend |
Beetlejuice | Moon Ranger |
Best of the Best - Championship Karate | Most Dangerous Detectives |
Bible Adventures | Motocross Champion |
Bible Buffet | Motor City Patrol |
Big Bird's Hide And Speak | Mr Gimmick |
Big City Sliding Blaster | Ms Pac-Man |
Big Nose Freaks Out | MULE |
Big Nose the Caveman | Muppet Adventure |
Bigfoot | Musashi no Ken |
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | MUSCLE |
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge | Mutant Virus |
Binary Land | Mystery Quest |
Bio Miracle Baby Upa | Myth Struggle |
Bionic Commando | Nadia - Secret of the Blue Water |
Bio-Warrior Dan - The Inkliezar Battle | NARC |
Bird Week | NF Ball |
Blackjack | NFL Football |
Blade Buster | Night Arrow |
Blades of Steel | Nightshade |
Blaster Master | Ninja Crusaders |
Blodia Land - Puzzle Quest | Ninja Gaiden I |
Blue Marlin | Ninja Gaiden II |
Blues Brothers | Ninja Kid |
Bo Jackson Baseball | Noah's Ark |
Bokosuka Wars | North & South |
Bomberman I | Nuts & Milk |
BombSweeper | Olympic IQ |
Bonk's Adventure | Onyanko Town |
Booby Kids | Operation Secret Storm |
Boogerman | Operation Wolf |
Boulder Dash | Orb 3D |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Othello |
Break Time - The National Pool Tour | Over Horizon |
Breakthru | Overlord |
Brush Roller | Pac-Land |
Bubble Bobble I | Pac-Man |
Bucky O'Hare | Pac-Mania |
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout | Palamedes |
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle | Panda Prince |
Bump'n'Jump | Panic Restaurant |
Burai Fighter | Paperboy I |
Burger Time | Parallel World |
Buzz and Waldog | Parasol Henbee |
B-Wings | Parodius |
Cabal | Peacock King I |
Cadillac | Peepar Time |
Caesar's Palace | Pegs |
California Games | Penguin & Seal |
California Raisins - Grape Escape | Penguin Wars |
Captain America and the Avengers | Perfect Bowling |
Captain Ed | Pescatore |
Captain Planet and the Planeteers | Pesterminator |
Captain Silver | Peter Pan & The Pirates |
Captain Sky Hawk | Phantom Fighter |
Casino Kid I | Phoenix - Gao's Adventure |
Castelian | Photon - Ultimate Game on Planet Earth |
Castle of Deceit | Pictionary |
Castle of Dragon | Pikachu Tetris |
Castlequest | Pinball |
Castlevania I | Pinball Quest |
Castlevania II - Simon's Quest | Pin-Bot |
Caveman Games | Pipe Dream |
Chack 'n Pop | PipeMania |
Challenge of the Dragon | Pirates! |
Challenger | Platoon |
Championship Bowling | Pocahontas |
Championship Lode Runner | Pocket Monster |
Championship Pool | Poke Block |
Championship Rally | Pooyan |
Chess Academy | Popeye |
Chessmaster | Popeye Lingo Game |
Chester Field | POW - Prisoners of War |
Chiller | Power Blade I |
China Rabbit Baby | Power Blazer |
Chinese Checkers | Power Soccer |
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers I | Predator |
Choplifter | Prince of Persia |
Choujin Sentai - Jetman | Princesstual Orgy |
Chronicle of the Radia War | Pro Sport Hockey |
Chubby Cherub | Pro Wrestling |
Chuuka Taisen | Punch-Out!! |
Circus Caper | Punisher |
Circus Charlie | Puyo Puyo |
City Adventure Touch | Puzslot |
City Connection | Puzzle |
Clash At Demonhead | Puzznic |
Classic Concentration | Pyramid I |
Cliffhanger | Q Boy |
Clu Clu Land | Q-bert |
Cobra Command | Qix |
Cobra Triangle | Quarter Back Scramble |
Cocoron | Quarth |
Code Name - Viper | Quattro Adventure |
Color A Dinosaur | Quattro Arcade |
Columbus - Golden Dawn | Quattro Sports |
Commando | Race America |
Conan | Racket Attack |
Conflict | Rackets & Rivals |
Conquest of the Crystal Palace | Rad Racer I |
Contra | Raid 2020 |
Contra Fighter | Raid on Bungeling Bay |
Contra Force | Rainbow Islands |
Contra I | Rainbow Silkroad |
Contra II - Super C | Rally Bike |
Contra Spirits | Rambo |
Cool World | Rampage |
Cosmic Epsilon | Rampart |
Cosmic Wars | RBI Baseball I |
Cosmo Police Galivan | RC Pro-Am I |
Cosmos Cop | Recca - Summer Carnival '92 |
Cowboy Kid | Remote Control |
Crackout | Ren & Stimpy Show |
Crash 'n the Boys - Street Challenge | Renegade |
Crayon Shin-Chan - Ora to Poi Poi | Rescue - The Embassy Mission |
Crazy Climber | Ring King |
Creatom | River City Ransom |
Crisis Force | River City Ransom Zero |
Cross Fire | Road Fighter |
Crystal Mines | Road Runner |
Crystalis | RoadBlasters |
Cyberball | Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves |
Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine | Robo Warrior |
Cycle Race - Road Man | Robocco Wars |
Daisenryaku | Robocop I |
Dance Aerobics | Robocop Versus the Terminator |
Dance Xtreme - Prima | Robodemons |
Dancing Blocks | Rock 'n' Ball |
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat | Rockball |
Dan's Dodgeball I | Rocket Ranger |
Dark Lord | Rocketeer |
Darkman | Rockin' Kats |
Darkwing Duck | Rod Land featuring Rit & Tam |
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum | Roger Clemens MVP Baseball |
Day Dreamin' Davey | Rollerball |
Days of Thunder | Rollerblade Racer |
Deadly Towers | Rollergames |
Death Race | Rolling Thunder |
Deathbots | Romance of the Three Kingdoms I |
De-Block | Route-16 Turbo |
Decathlon | Rush'n Attack |
Defender of the Crown | Rygar |
Defenders of Dynatron City | SCAT - Special Cybernetic Attack Team |
Deja Vu | SDF - Space Defending Force |
Demon Sword - Release the Power | Sea of Dreamland |
Derecive Solbrain | Secret Scout |
Desert Commander | Secret Ties |
Destination Earthstar | Section-Z |
Destiny of an Emperor | Sesame Street Countdown |
Devil Man | Seven Islands Adventure |
Devil World | Shadow Land |
Dezaemon | Shadow of the Ninja |
Dick Tracy | Shadowgate |
Die Hard | Shatterhand |
Dig Dug I | Shell Monsters Story |
Digger - The Legend of the Lost City | Shinobi |
Dikki Paingun in - TKO For The Third Reich | Shockwave |
Dirty Harry | Shooting Range |
Dizzy The Adventurer | Shufflepuck Cafe |
Don Doko Don I | Side Pocket |
Donald Land | Silent Assault |
Donald Magic (Burger Time) | Silent Service |
Donkey Kong Classics | Silk Worm |
Donkey Kong I | Silva Saga |
Donkey Kong Jr Math | Silver Surfer |
Door Door | Simpsons - Bart vs the Space Mutants |
Doraemon | Simpsons - Bart vs the World |
Double Dare | Simpsons - Bartman & Radioactive Man |
Double Dragon I | Skate or Die! I |
Double Dribble | Skull & Crossbones |
Dough Boy | Sky Destroyer |
Downtown | Sky Kid |
D-Pad Hero | Sky Shark |
Dr Chaos | Slalom |
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Smash TV |
Dr Mario | Smurfs |
Drac's Night Out | Snake Rattle'n Roll |
Dragon | Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular |
Dragon Ball - Dragon Mystery | Snow Bros |
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden | Soccer |
Dragon Buster I | Soccer League - Winner's Cup |
Dragon Fighter | Softball Heaven |
Dragon Power | Solar Jetman |
Dragon Scroll - Resurrection of Demon | Solitaire |
Dragon Slayer Jr - Romancia | Solomon's Key |
Dragon Spirit - The New Legend | Solstice |
Dragon Warrior I | Somari |
Dragon Wars | Son Son |
Dragon's Lair | Sonic 3D Blast |
Dream Penguin Adventure | Space Harrier |
Dropzone | Space Hunter |
Duck Hunt | Space Invaders |
Duck Maze | Space Shadow |
Duck Tales I | Space Shuttle Project |
Dudes With Attitude | Spelunker |
Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements | Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister 6 |
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball | Splatter House |
Dynamite Bowl | Spot |
Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus | Spy Hunter |
Earth Bound | Spy Vs Spy |
Eggerland - Revival of the Labyrinth | Sqoon |
Egypt | Square's Tom Sawyer |
Elevator Action | Stack-Up |
Eliminator Boat Duel | Stadium Events |
Elite | Star Force |
Elysion | Star Luster |
Erunaaku no Zaihou | Star Soldier |
Escape From Atlantis | Star Soldier Special |
Esper Bouken Tai | Star Trek - The Next Generation |
Evert & Lendl Top Player's Tennis | Star Trek V - The Final Frontier |
Excitebike | Star Voyager |
Exciting Boxing | Star Wars |
Exed Exes | Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back |
Exerion | Starship Hector |
Exodus | Startropics I |
F1 Circus | Stealth ATF |
F1 Race | Stick Hunter - Exciting Ice Hockey |
F-15 City War | Stinger |
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy | Storehouse No 18 |
Fantasy Zone | Strategist |
Faria | Streemerz_bundle |
Faxanadu | Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes |
Felix the Cat | Street Cop |
Felix vs Jerry | Strider |
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge | Strike Wolf |
Field Combat | Stunt Kids |
FIFA 96 International Soccer | Sudoku |
FIFA '97 International Soccer | Sunday Funday |
Fighting Hero | Sunman |
Fighting Road | Super Aladdin |
Final Fantasy I | Super Arabian |
Final Fantasy II | Super Black Onyx |
Final Lap | Super Cars |
Final Mission | Super Dodge Ball |
Fire Dragon | Super Donkey Kong I |
Fire Emblem Gaiden | Super Donkey Kong II |
Fire Hawk | Super Dyna'mix Badminton |
Fire 'n Ice | Super Glove Ball |
Fisher Price - Perfect Fit | Super Jeopardy! |
Fist of the North Star | Super Mario Bros I |
Flappy | Super Mario World |
Flight of the Intruder | Super Pinball |
Flintstones I | Super Pitfall |
Flipull - Cube Game | Super Rugby |
Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll | Super Shinobi |
Flying Hero | Super Spike V'Ball |
Flying Warriors | Super Sprint |
Formation Z | Super Spy Hunter |
Formula One Built To Win | Super Star Force |
Formula One Sensation | Super Team Games |
Frankenstein - The Monster Returns | Super Turrican |
Free Fall | Super Xevious - Gump no Nazo |
Freedom Force | Superman |
Friday the 13th | Swamp Thing |
Front Line | Sweet Home |
Fun House | Sword Master |
Future Soldier - Lios | Swords And Serpents |
Fuzzical Fighter | T&C I - Wood & Water Rage |
Galactic Crusader | Taboo - The Sixth Sense |
Galaga | Tabo's Tactics |
Galaxian | Tag Team Wrestling |
Galaxy 5000 | Taito Chase HQ |
Galaxy NES | TaleSpin |
Galaxy Patrol Enhanced | Target Renegade |
Game | Tasac |
Game of Life | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I |
Game Party | Tengen Tetris |
Garfield - A Week of Garfield | Tennis |
Garou Densetsu Special | Terminator I |
Gauntlet I | Terra Cresta |
Geimos | Tetrastar - The Fighter |
Gemfire | Tetris I |
Genghis Khan | Thexder |
Ghost Hunter | Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends |
Ghostbusters I | Three Stooges |
Ghosts'n Goblins | Thunder & Lightning |
Ghoul School | Thunder Blast Man |
GI Joe | Thunder Warrior |
GI Joe - The Atlantis Factor | Thunderbirds |
Gilligan's Island | Thundercade |
Go! Benny! | Tic-Tac XO |
Goal! I | Tiger-Heli |
Godzilla I - Monster of Monsters! | Tiles of Fate |
Gold Medal Challenge '92 | Time Diver Avenger |
Goonies | Time Lord |
Gorby's Pipeline - Great Millitary Op | Time Zone |
Gotcha! | Times of Lore |
Gourmet | Tiny Toon Adventures I |
Gradius | Tiny Toon Adventures II |
Gradius II | Titan |
Grand Master | Titan Warriors |
Gravity Armor Metal Storm | TMNT Tournament Fighters |
Great Battle Cyber | To The Earth |
Great Deal | Toki |
Great Maze - Master of the Maze | Tokoro-San no Mamorumo Semerumo |
Great Waldo Search | Tombs and Treasure |
Great Wall | Toobin |
Guardian Legend | Top Gun I |
Guerrilla War | Total Recall |
Gumshoe | Totally Rad |
Gun Nac | Touchdown Fever |
Gun Smoke | Tower of Babel |
Gyrodine | Tower of Druaga |
Gyromite | Toxic Crusaders |
Gyruss | Track & Field I |
Hacker | Transformers - Mystery of Comvoy |
Hammerin' Harry | Treasure Master |
Harlem Globetrotters | Triathalon |
Harry Story | Trog! |
Harry's Legend | Trojan |
Hatris | Trolls in Crazyland |
Heavy Barrel | Trolls on Treasure Island |
Heavy Shreddin' | Twin Cobra |
Hello Kitty World | Twin Eagle |
Hero of the Sun - Fire Bird | TwinBee I |
Hero Quest | U-fouR-ia |
High Speed | Ultima - Exodus |
Hit the Ice | Ultima - Quest of the Avatar |
Hogan's Alley | Ultima - Warriors of Destiny |
Hollywood Squares | Ultimate Air Combat |
Holy Diver | Ultimate Basketball |
Home Alone I | Ultimate League Soccer |
Hook | Ultimate Stuntman |
Hoops | Uncharted Waters |
Hoppin' Mad | Uninvited |
Hotman | Universe Soldiers |
Huang Di | Untouchables |
Hudson Hawk | Urban Champion |
Hudson's Adventure Island I | Urban Strike |
Huge Insect | Utsurun Desu |
Hunt For Red October | Valis - The Fantastic Soldier |
Hydlide | Valkyrie's Adventure-Legend Time Key |
Hydlide Special | Vegas Dream |
Hyper Sports | Venice Beach Volleyball |
Ice Climber | Vice - Project Doom |
Ice Hockey | Videomation |
I'm Kid Dracula | Vindicators |
Image Fight | Volleyball |
Immortal | Wacky Races |
Incredible Crash Dummies | Wall Street Kid |
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade | Wally Bear and the No Gang |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Wario's Woods |
Infiltrator | Warpman |
Insector X | Wayne Gretzky Hockey |
International Cricket | Wayne's World |
Iron Tank | WCW World Championship Wrestling |
Isolated Warrior | Werewolf |
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes | Wheel of Fortune |
Jackal | Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego |
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu | Who Framed Roger Rabbit |
James Bond Jr | Whomp'Em |
Jaws | Widget |
Jeopardy! | Wild Gunman |
Jeopardy! Junior Edition | Willow |
Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster | Wily & Light's RockBoard |
Jetsons - Cogswell's Caper! | Win Lose or Draw |
Jimmy Connor's Tennis | Wing of Madoola |
Jin Gwok Sei Chuen Saang | Winter Games |
J-League Winning Goal | Wisdom Boy |
Joe & Mac | Wit's |
John Elway's Quarterback | Wizardry - Proving Grounds |
Jordan Vs Bird - One On One | Wizardry - The Knight of Diamonds |
Joshua | Wizards & Warriors I |
Journey to Silius | Wolverine |
Journey to the West | Woody Poko |
Joust | World Champ |
Jovial Race (Rally X) | World Class Track Meet |
Joy Mech Fight | World Games |
Jumpin' Kid | World Hero |
Jungle Book | World of Card Game |
Jurassic Park | Wrath of the Black Manta |
Just Breed | Wrecking Crew |
Karate Champ | Wurm |
Karate Kid | Xenophobe |
Kart Fighter | Xevious |
Kero Kero's Great Big Adventure I | Yoshi |
Kick Master | Yoshi's Cookie |
Kick Off | Youkai Club |
Kickle Cubicle | Ys I |
Kid Icarus | Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final |
Kid Klown | Zanac |
Kid Kool | Zelda II - The Adventure of Link |
Kid Niki I - Radical Ninja | Zen Intergalactic Ninja |
King Kong Lives | Zippy Race |
King Neptune's Adventure | Zombie Hunter |
King of Kings | Zombie Nation |
Mega Drive - 1000 Jogos
3 Ninjas Kick Back | Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse |
007 Shitou - The Duel | Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion |
16 Zhang Ma Jiang | Mickey Mouse - Fantasia |
688 Attack Sub | Mickey Mouse - Great Circus Mystery |
777 Casino | Mickey Mouse - Minnie's Magical Adventure 2 |
A Ressha de Ikou MD | Mickey Mouse - World of Illusion |
Aa Harimanada | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge |
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters | Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament |
Abrams Battle Tanks | Micro Machines 96 |
Addams Family Values | Micro Machines II |
Addams Family, The | Micro Machines Military - It's a Blast! |
Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer | Micro Machines |
Advanced Daisenryaku - Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen | Midnight Resistance |
Adventures of Batman and Robin, The | Mig-29 Fulcrum |
Aero Blasters - Trouble Specialty Raid Unit | Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World |
Aero Blasters | Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terror |
Aero The Acrobat 2 | Mighty Max |
Aero the Acro-Bat | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie |
Aerobiz Supersonic | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
After Burner II | Mike Ditka Power Football |
Air Busters | Minnesota Fats Pool Legend |
Air Diver | Misadventures of Flink, The |
Aladdin | MLBPA Baseball |
Alex Kidd - Tenkuu Majou | MLBPA Sports Talk Baseball |
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle | Monopoly |
Alien Soldier | Moonwalker |
Alien Storm | Mortal Combat 5 |
Aliens 3 | Mr. Nutz |
Alisia Dragoon | Ms. Pac-Man |
Altered Beast | Muhammed Ali Heavyweight Boxing |
Ambition of Caesar 2 | Mulan |
American Gladiators | Mutant League Football |
Andrè Agassi Tennis | Mutant League Hockey |
Animaniacs | Mystic Defender |
Another World | Mystical Fighter |
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi | Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu - F-1 Grand Prix |
Aq Renkan Awa | NBA Action 95 |
Aquatic Games, The | NBA Action |
Arch Rivals | NBA AllStar Challenge |
Arcus Odyssey | NBA Hang Time |
Ariel - Disney's The Little Mermaid | NBA Jam Tournament Edition |
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf | NBA Jam |
Arrow Flash | NBA Live 95 |
Art Alive! | NBA Live 96 |
Art of Fighting | NBA Live 97 |
Asterix and the Great Rescue | NBA Live 98 |
Asterix and the Power of The Gods | NBA Showdown 94 |
Atomic Robo Kid | NCAA College Football |
Atomic Runner | NCAA Final Four College Basketball |
ATP Tour Championship Tennis | New Zealand Story, The |
Australian Rugby League | Newman-Haas Indy Car Racing |
Awesome Possum | NFL 98 |
Aworg | NFL Prime Time |
AWS Pro Moves Soccer | NFL Quarterback Club 96 |
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II | NFL Quarterback Club |
B.O.B | NHL 95 |
Baby's Day Out | NHL 96 |
Back to the Future Part III | NHL 97 |
Bad Omen | NHL 98 |
Bahamut Senki | NHL All-Star Hockey 95 |
Ball Jacks | NHL Hockey 91 |
Ballz | NHL Hockey 92 |
Barbie Super Model | NHL Hockey 94 |
Barbie Vacation Adventure | NHLPA NHL '93 |
Bare Knuckle II | Nigel Mansell's World Championship |
Bare Knuckle III | Ninja Gaiden |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam 2 | No Escape |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! | Nobunaga's Ambition |
Barney's Hide and Seek | Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama |
bart vs mutants | Olympic Gold - Barcelona 92 |
barts nightmare | Olympic Summer Games Atlanta 96 |
Barver Battle Saga - The Space Fighter | Olympic Winter Games - Lillehammer 94 |
Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition | Omega Race |
Bass Masters Classics | Onslaught |
Bastard!! | Ooze, The |
Batman - Revenge of the Joker | Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-1945 |
Batman Forever | Osomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou |
Batman Returns | Ottifants, The |
Batman | Out of this World |
Battle Golfer Yui | Outlander |
Battle Mania | OutRun 2019 |
Battle Squadron | OutRun |
Battlemaster | OutRunners |
Battletech | Pac-Attack |
Battletoads and Double Dragon | Pacific Theater of Operations |
Battletoads | Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures |
Beast Warriors | Pac-Mania |
Beast Wrestler | Pagemaster, The |
Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest | Paperboy 2 |
Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast | Paperboy |
Beavis and Butt-Head | Pat Riley Basketball |
Berenstain Bears', The Camping Adventure | Pebble Beach Golf Links |
Best of the best Championship Karate | Pele! |
Beyond Oasis | Pele's World Tournament Soccer |
Bible Adventures | Pengo |
Bill Walsh College Football '95 | Pete Sampras Tennis 96 |
Bimini Run | PGA European Tour |
Bio-Hazard Battle | PGA Tour 96 |
Bioship Paladin | PGA Tour Golf 2 |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | PGA Tour Golf 3 |
Blades of Vengence | PGA Tour Golf |
Blaster Master 2 | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium |
Block Out | Phantasy Star II |
Blockbuster Competition 2 - NBA Jam & Judge Dredd | Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom |
Blood Shot | Phantasy Star IV |
Body Count | Phelios |
Bonanza Brothers | Pink Goes to Hollywood |
Bonkers | Pioneer LaserActive Bios v1.02 |
Boogerman | Pirates Gold |
Boogie Woogie Bowling | Pirates of Dark Water, The |
Boxing Legends of the Ring | Pit Fighter |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure |
Brett Hull Hockey 95 | Pocahontas |
Brian Lara Cricket 96 | Pocket Monsters 2 |
Brian Lara Cricket | Pocket Monsters |
Brutal - Paws of Fury | Populous 2 - Two Tribes |
Bubba N Stix | Populous 2 - Wrath of the Gods |
Bubble and Squeek | Populous |
Bubsy 2 | Power Drive |
Bubsy | Power Instinct |
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday | Powerball |
Budokan - The Martial Spirit | Predator 2 |
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble | Premier Manager 97 |
Bug's Life, A | Premier Manager |
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs | Prince of Persia |
Bulls vs Lakers | Pro Action Replay |
Burning Force | Pro Quarterback |
Cadash | Probotector |
Caesars Palace | Psycho Pinball |
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball | Puggsy |
Caliber Fifty | Punisher, The |
California Games | Putter Golf |
Cannon Fodder | Puzzle & Action - Tanto-R |
Captain America and the Avengers | Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck |
Captain Planet and the Planeteers | Quad Challenge |
Capt'n Havoc | Race Drivin' |
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | Radical Rex |
Castlevania - Bloodlines | Raiden Densetsu ~ Raiden Trad |
Castlevania - The New Generation | Raiden Trad |
Centurion - Defender of Rome | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 |
Chakan - The Forever Man | Rainbow Islands Extra |
Champions World Class Soccer | Rambo III |
Championship Bowling | Rampart |
Championship Pool | Ranger-X |
Championship Pro Am | Ransei no Hasha |
Chaos Engine, The | Rastan Saga 2 |
Chase HQ 2 | RBI Baseball 3 |
Chavez 2 | RBI Baseball 4 |
Chelnov | RBI Baseball 93 |
Chess | RBI Baseball 94 |
Chester Cheetah 2 - Wild Wild Quest | Red Zone |
Chester Cheetah | Ren and Stimpy's Invention |
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge | Rent A Hero |
Chibi Maruko-chan - Wakuwaku Shopping | Revenge of Shinobi, The |
Chiki Chiki Boys | Revolution X |
Chuck Rock 2 | Richard Scarry's Busytown |
Chuck Rock | Rings of Power |
Chuck's Excellent Art Tool Animator | Rise of the Robots |
Clay Fighter | Risk |
Cliffhanger | Risky Woods |
Clue | Ristar |
Coach K College Basketball | Road Blasters |
College Football USA 96 | Road Rash 3 |
College Football USA 97 | Road Rash II |
College Football's National Championship | Road Rash |
College Slam | Robocop 3 |
Columns 3 - Revenge of Columns | Robocop vs The Terminator |
Columns | Robot Battler |
Combat Aces | Robot Wreckage |
Combat Cars | Rock n' Roll Racing |
Comix Zone | Rocket Knight Adventures |
Command & Conquer | Rockman Megaworld |
Commandos | Rockman X3 |
Congo - The Game | Roger Clements MVP Baseball |
Contra - Hard Corps | Rolling Thunder 2 |
Cool Spot | Rolling Thunder 3 |
Corporation | Rolo to the Rescue |
Cosmic Spacehead | Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
Crack Down | Romance of the Three Kingdoms III |
CrazyBus v0.8 | Royal Blood |
Crue Ball | Rugby World Cup 95 |
Crusader of Centy | Runark |
Crystal's Pony Tale | Ryuuko no Ken |
Curse | Sagaia |
Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel | Saint Sword |
Cyber Police ESWAT | Same! Same! Same! |
CyberBall | Samurai Shodown |
Cyber-Cop | Samurai Spirits |
Cyborg Justice | Sangokushi II |
D&D - Warriors of the Eternal Sun | Sangokushi III |
Daffy Duck in Hollywood | Sangokushi Retsuden - Ransei no Eiyuutachi |
Dahna - Megami Tanjou | Saturday Night Slam Masters |
Daikoukai Jidai II | Scooby Doo Mystery |
Daikoukai Jidai | Scrabble |
Daimakai Mura | SeaQuest DSV |
Dangerous Seed | Second Samurai, The |
Darius II | Sega Arcade Classics |
Dark Castle | Sensible Soccer - International Edition |
Dashin' Desperadoes | Sensible Soccer |
David Crane's Amazing Tennis | Sesame Street Counting Cafe |
David Robinson's Supreme Court | Shadow Blasters |
Davis Cup World Tour Tennis 2 | Shadow Dancer |
Davis Cup World Tour Tennis | Shadow of the Beast 2 |
Daze Before Christmas, The | Shadow of the Beast |
Deadly Moves | Shadow Run |
Death and Return of Superman, The | Shane Warne Cricket |
Death Duel | Shanghai 2 - Dragon's Eye |
Decap Attack | shanghai3 |
Demolition Man | Shaq Fu |
Desert Demolition | Shi Kin Joh |
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf | Shining Force II |
Devil Crash MD | Shining Force |
Devilish Mahjong Tower | Shining in the Darkness |
Devilish | Shinobi 3 - Return of the Ninja Master |
Devil's Course 3-D Golf | Shove It - The Warehouse Game |
Dick Tracy | Shui Hu - Feng Yun Zhuan |
Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops | Shura no Mon |
Dino Dini's Soccer | Side Pocket |
Dino Land | Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants |
Dinosaurs for Hire | Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare |
Disney Collection - Castle of Illusion & Quackshot | Skeleton Krew |
Divine Sealing | Skitchin |
DJ Boy | Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu! |
Dodge Ball - Kuy Kid | Slap Fight |
Dominus | Slaughter Sport |
Donald Duck in Maui Mallard | Slime World |
Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles | Smart Mouse |
Double Clutch | Smash TV |
Double Dragon 2 | Smurfs 2, The |
Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game | Smurfs, The |
Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls | Snake Rattle 'n' Roll |
Double Dragon | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom |
Double Dribble - Playoff Edition | Snow Brothers |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Socket |
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story | Sol-Deace |
Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden | Soldiers of Fortune |
Dragon Ball Z | Soleil |
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu II | Sonic & Knuckles |
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu | Sonic 1 Gaslight |
Dragon Slayer | Sonic 1 Spindash |
Dragon's Eye Plus - Shanghai III | Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 1 |
Dragon's Fury | Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 2 |
Dragon's Revenge | Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 |
Dream Team USA | Sonic and Knuckles |
Duke Nukem 3D | Sonic Compilation |
Dune - The Battle for Arrakis | Sonic Crackers |
Dune - The Building of a Dynasty | Sonic Eraser |
Dyna Brothers 2 | Sonic Special Stages |
Dyna Brothers | Sonic Spinball |
Dynamite Duke | Sonic the Hedgehog 1 |
Dynamite Headdy | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 |
EA Sports 2-in-1 Pack | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 |
Earnest Evans | Sorcerer's Kingdom |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Sorcerian |
Earthworm Jim | Space Funky B.O.B. |
ECCO - The Tides of Time | Space Harrier 2 |
ECCO Jr. | Space Invaders 90 |
Ecco the Dolphin II | Space Invaders 91 |
ECCO | Space Turtleship |
Elemental Master | Sparkster - Rocket Knight Adventures 2 |
Eliminate Down | Sparkster |
Empire of Steel | Speed Ball 2 - Brutal Deluxe |
Escape From Mars Starring Taz | Speedy Gonzales - Cheeze Cat-astrophe |
ESPN Baseball Tonight | Spider-Man - The Animated Series |
ESPN National League Hockey Night | Spider-Man and Venom - Maximum Carnage |
ESPN SpeedWorld | Spider-Man and Venom - Separation Anxiety |
ESPN Sunday Night Football | Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge |
ESWAT - City Under Siege | Spider-Man vs Kingpin |
ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege | Spiritual Warfare |
E-Swat | Spirou |
Eternal Champions | Splatterhouse 2 |
European Club Soccer | Splatterhouse 3 |
Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing | Spot Goes to Hollywood |
Exile | SS Lucifer - Man Overboard! |
Ex-Mutants | Star Control |
Exodus | Star Cruiser |
Exo-Squad | Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Crossroads of Time |
Ex-Ranza | Star Trek - The Next Generation |
F1 Circus MD | Starflight |
F1 Grand Prix - Nakajima Satoru | Stargate |
F1 World Championship | Steel Empire, The |
F-15 Strike Eagle II | Steel Talons |
F-22 Interceptor | Stormlord |
F-117 Night Storm | Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light |
F-117 Stealth - Operation Night Storm | Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition |
Faery Tale Adventure, The | Street Fighter 2 Turbo |
Family Feud | Street Racer |
Fantastic Dizzy | Street Smart |
Fastest 1 | Streets of Rage 2 |
Fatal Fury | Streets of Rage 3 |
Fatal Labyrinth | Streets of Rage |
Fatal Rewind | Strider II |
Fatman | Strider |
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge | Sub-Terrania |
Fido Dido | Summer Challenge |
FIFA International Soccer | Sunset Riders |
FIFA Soccer 95 | Super Airwolf |
FIFA Soccer 96 | Super Baseball 2020 |
FIFA Soccer 97 Gold Edition | Super Battle Tank - War in the Gulf |
FIFA Soccer 98 - Road to the World Cup | Super Battleship |
FIFA Soccer 2000 Gold Edition | Super Bubble Bobble |
Fighting Masters | Super Daisenryaku |
Final Blow | Super Donkey Kong 99 |
Fire Mustang | Super Fantasy Zone |
Fire Pro Wrestling Gaiden | Super Hang-On |
Fire Shark | Super High Impact |
Flashback - The Quest for Identity | Super HQ |
Flicky | Super Hydlide |
Flintstones, The | Super Kick Off |
Foreman For Real | Super League |
Forgotten Worlds | Super Mario World |
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball | Super Masters Golf |
Frogger | Super Monaco Grand Prix |
Fun Car Rally | Super Offroad |
Fun-N-Games | Super Ping Pong |
16t | Super Real Basketball |
Funnyworld-Balloon Boy | Super Shinobi II, The |
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia | Super Shinobi, The |
FZ Senki Axis ~ Final Zone | Super Skidmarks |
Gadget Twins | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers |
Gaiares | Super Thunder Blade |
Gain Ground | Super Volleyball |
Galaxy Force II | Superman |
Game Genie | Sword of Sodan |
Garfield - Caught in the Act | Sword of Vermilion |
Gargoyles | Syd of Valis |
Gauntlet 4 | Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers |
Gauntlet Arcade Version | Syndicate |
GemFire | Taikou Risshiden |
General Chaos | Tale Spin |
Generations Lost | Talmit's Adventure |
Genghis Khan 2 | Target Earth |
George Foreman's Knock-out Boxing | Task Force Harrier EX |
Ghost Hunter | Taz-Mania |
Ghostbusters | Team USA Basketball |
Ghouls 'N Ghosts | Techno Clash |
G-LOC Air Battle | Technocop |
Gods | Tecmo Super Baseball |
Golden 20in1 Menu | Tecmo Super Bowl 2 Special Edition |
Golden Axe II | Tecmo Super Bowl 3 Final Edition |
Golden Axe III | Tecmo Super Bowl |
Golden Axe | Tecmo Super Hockey |
Goofy's Hysterical History Tour | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball |
Gouketsuji Ichizoku | Tecmo World Cup 92 |
Granada | Tecmo World Cup 93 |
Grand Slam Tennis | Teddy Boy Blues |
Great Waldo Search, The | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist |
Greatest Heavyweights of the Ring | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Tournament Fighters |
Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Return of the Shredder |
GRIND Stormer | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist |
Growl | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters |
Gunship | Teitoku no Ketsudan |
Gunstar Heroes | Tel-Tel Stadium |
Gynoug | Terminator 2 - Judgement Day |
Hard Drivin' | Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game |
HardBall 3 | Terminator, The |
HardBall 94 | Test Drive 2 - The Duel |
HardBall 95 | Tetris |
HardBall | Theme Park |
Harry Potter | Thunder Force II |
Haunting, The | Thunder Force III |
Head-On Soccer | Thunder Force IV |
Heavy Nova | Thunder Fox |
Heavy Unit | Tick, The |
Hellfire | Time Killers |
Hercules | Tinhead |
Herzog Zwei | Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All Stars |
High Seas Havoc | Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure |
Hit The Ice | TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament 96 |
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York | Todd's Adventures in Slime World |
Home Alone | Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron |
Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei | Toejam & Earl |
Hook | Toki - Going Ape Spit |
Humans. The | Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics |
Hurricanes | Tommy Lasorda Baseball |
Hybrid Front, The | Tony La Russa 95 |
Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition | Tony La Russa Baseball |
IMG International Tour Tennis | Top Gear 2 |
Immortal, The | Top Pro Golf 2 |
Incredible Crash Dummies, The | Top Pro Golf |
Incredible Hulk, The | Total Football |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Toughman Contest |
Insector X | Tougiou King Colossus |
International Rugby | Toxic Crusaders |
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe | Toy Story |
Ishido - The Way of the Stones | Toys |
It Came From The Desert | Trampoline Terror! |
Itchy and Scratchy Game, The | Traysia |
Itchy and Scratchy | Triple Play 96 |
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings | Triple Play Gold |
J. League Pro Striker 2 | Trouble Shooter |
J. League Pro Striker | Troy Aikman NFL Football |
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf | True Lies |
James Bond - The Duel | Truxton |
James Bond 007 - The Duel | Turbo Outrun |
James Buster Douglas Knock Out Boxing | Turma da Monica na Terra dos Monstros |
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod | Turrican |
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish | Twin Cobra |
James Pond | Twin Hawk |
Jammit | Twinkle Tale |
Jantei Monogatari | Two Crude Dudes |
Jelly Boy | Tyrants - Fight Through Time |
Jennifer Capriati Tennis | Uchuu Senkan Gomora |
Jeopardy Deluxe | Ultimate Qix |
Jeopardy Sports Edition | Ultimate Soccer |
Jeopardy | Ultraman |
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl | Uncharted Waters 2 - New Horizons |
Jewel Master | Uncharted Waters |
Jim Power - The Arcade Game | Undead Line |
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker | Universal Solder |
J-League Champion Soccer | Unnecessary Roughness 95 |
Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja | Urban Strike |
Joe Montana Football | V.R Fighter vs Taken2 |
Joe Montana NFL 94 | Valis III |
Joe Montana NFL 95 | Valis SD |
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football 2 | Valis |
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football | Vampire Killer |
John Madden Football 91 | Vapor Trail |
John Madden Football 92 | Vectorman 2 |
John Madden Football 93 - Championship Edition | Vectorman |
John Madden NFL 94 | Vermilion |
Jordan vs Bird - Super One-on-One | Verytex |
Joshua | Viento, El |
Journey From Darkness - Strider Returns | Virtua Fighter 2 |
Judge Dredd The Movie | Virtua Racing |
Junction | Virtual Bart |
Jungle Book, The | Virtual Pinball |
Jungle Strike | Vixen 357 |
Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition | Volfied |
Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World | VR Troopers |
Jurassic Park | V-V |
Justice League Task Force | Wacky Worlds |
Juuouki | Wani Wani World |
Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel | Wardner no Mori Special |
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge | Wardner |
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge | Warlock |
Kid Chameleon | Warpspeed |
Killing Game Show | Warrior of Rome |
King Colossus | Warsong |
King of Fighters '98, The | Waterworld |
King of the Monsters 2 | Wayne Gretzsky NHLPA All-Stars |
King of the Monsters | Wayne's World |
King Salmon | Weaponlord |
King's Bounty | We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Tale |
Kishi Densetsu | Whac-A-Critter |
Klax | Wheel of Fortune |
Koutetsu Teikoku | Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego |
Krusty's Super Funhouse | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego |
Kuuga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' | Whip Rush 2222 AD |
Kyuukai Douchuuki | Wimbledon Championship Tennis |
Lakers vs Celtics | Winter Challenge |
Land Stalker | Wiz 'n' Liz |
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole | Wizard of the Immortal |
Last Action Hero | Wolf Child |
Last Battle | Wolverine Adamantium Rage |
Lawnmower Man, The | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair |
Legend of Galahad, The | Wonder Boy In Monster World |
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes | Wonder Boy V - Monster World III |
Lemmings | World Championship Soccer 2 |
Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters | World Class Leaderboard Golf |
Lethal Enforcers | World Cup Italia 90 |
LHX Attack Helicopter | World Cup Soccer |
Liberty or Death | World Cup USA 94 |
Light Crusader | World Heroes |
Lightening Force | World Pro Baseball 94 |
Link Dragon | World Series Baseball 95 |
Lion King, The | World Series Baseball 96 |
Lost Vikings, The | World Series Baseball 98 |
M.U.S.H.A | World Series Baseball |
M1 Abrams Battle Tank | World Trophy Soccer |
Madden NFL 95 - Superbowl Hack | World War 2 |
Madden NFL 95 | Worms |
Madden NFL 96 | Wrestle War |
Madden NFL 97 | Wrestleball |
Madden NFL 98 | WWF RAW |
Magic Girl | WWF Royal Rumble |
Magic School Bus, The | WWF Super Wrestlemania |
Mahjongg Lover | WWF Wrestlemania Arcade |
Marble Madness | X Dazedly Ray |
Mario Andretti Racing | XDR - X-Dazedly-Ray |
Mario Lemieux Hockey | Xenon 2 Megablast |
Marko's Magic Football | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars |
Marsupilami | X-Men |
Marvel Land | X-perts |
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | Young Indiana Jones - Instrument of Chaos |
Master of Weapon | Young Indiana Jones Chronicles |
Math Blaster - Episode 1 | Ys - Wanderers from Ys |
Maximum Carnage | Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen |
Mazin Saga | Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden |
Mazin Wars | Yu Yu Hakusho Sunset Fighters |
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure | Zan Yasha Enbukyoku |
Mega Bomberman | Zany Golf |
Mega Man - The Wily Wars | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel |
Mega SWIV | Zero Tolerance |
Mega Turrican | Zero Wing |
MegaTraX | Zombies Ate My Neighbors |
Mercs | Zombies |
Metal Fangs | Zool |
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker | Zoom |
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators | Zoop |
Super Nintendo - 1000 Jogos
2020 Super Baseball | MLBPA Baseball |
3 Ninjas Kick Back | Mobile Fighter G Gundam |
7th Saga, The | Mobile Suit Gundam - Cross Dimension |
90 Minutes - European Prime Goal | Mobile Suit V-Gundam |
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol | MoHawk & Headphone Jack |
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters | Monopoly |
ABC Monday Night Football | Monstania |
Accele Brid | Mortal Kombat 1 |
ACME Animation Factory | Mortal Kombat 2 |
Acrobat Mission | Mortal Kombat 3 |
Action Pachio | Mortal Kombat 3 - Ultimate |
ActRaiser | Mother 2-5 - The Giftman Chronicles |
ActRaiser (Translated) | Mr Bloopy Saves the World |
ActRaiser 2 | Mr. Do! |
ActRaiser I | Mr. Nutz |
AD&D - Eye Of The Beholder | Mr. Tuff |
Addams Family | Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing |
Addams Family Values | Musya |
Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt | Mutant Chronicles - Doom Troopers |
Adventures of Dr. Franken, The | Mysterious Dungeon II |
Adventures of Kid Kleets | Mystic Ark |
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle | Mystic Ark [Aeon Genesis] |
Adventures of TinTin | Nankoku Shounen Papuwa-kun |
Aero Fighters | Natsume Championship Wrestling |
Aero the Acro-Bat I | Naxat Super Pinball - Jaki Crush |
Aero the Acro-Bat II | NBA All-Star Challenge |
Aerobiz | NBA Give 'N Go |
Aerobiz Supersonic | NBA Hang Time |
Aim for the Ace! | NBA Jam |
Air Cavalry | NBA Jam - Tournament Edition |
Al Unser Jr's Road to the Top | NBA Live 95 |
Aladdin | NBA Live '96 |
Alcahest | Nba Live '97 |
Alien 3 | NBA Live '98 |
Alien vs. Predator | NBA Showdown |
Amazing Spider-Man - Lethal Foes | NCAA Basketball |
American Battle Dome | NCAA Final Four Basketball |
Andre Agassi Tennis | NCAA Football |
Animaniacs | Network Q Rally |
Apocalypse II | Neugier |
Araiguma Rascal | Newman-Hass Indy Car |
Arcade's Greatest Hits - Atari | NFL Football |
Arcade's Greatest Hits - Williams | NFL Quarterback Club |
Arcana | NFL Quarterback Club '96 |
Archer MacLean's Dropzone | NHL '94 |
Arcus Odyssey | NHL '95 |
Ardy Lightfoot | NHL '96 |
Arkanoid - Doh It Again | NHL '97 |
Art of Fighting | NHL '98 |
Art of Fighting II | NHL Stanley Cup |
Assault Suits Valken | NHLPA Hockey '93 |
Asterix | Nickelodeon GUTS |
Asterix & Obelix | Nigel Mansells World Championship Race |
Axelay | Nightmare Busters |
B.O.B. | Nightmare Busters (Europe) (Proto) |
Bahamut Lagoon | Ninja Gaiden Trilogy |
Ball Bullet Gun | Ninja Warriors |
Ballz 3D | No Escape |
Barbie Super Model | Nobunaga's Ambition |
Barbie Vacation Adventure | Nobunaga's Ambition - Lord of Darkness |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! | Nolan Ryan's Baseball |
Bass Masters Classic | Nosferatu |
Bass Masters Classic - Pro Edition | Obitus |
Bassin's Black Bass | Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen |
Bastard!! - Ankoku no Hakai-shin | Olympic Summer Games '96 |
Batman | On the Ball |
Batman - Revenge of the Joker | Operation Europe - Path to Victory |
Batman Forever | Operation Logic Bomb |
Battle Blaze | Operation Thunderbolt |
Battle Cars | Oscar |
Battle Dodgeball I | Out Of This World |
Battle Dodgeball II | Out to Lunch |
Battle Master | Outlander |
Battle Pinball | Pac-Attack |
Battle Soccer - Field no Hasha | Pacific Theater of Operations I |
Battle Soccer II | Pacific Theater of Operations II |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | Pac-In-Time |
Battletoads In Battlemaniacs | Packy & Marlon |
Bazooka Blitzkrieg | Pac-Man II - The New Adventures |
Beauty and the Beast | Pagemaster |
Beavis and Butt-Head | Paladin's Quest |
Bebe's Kids | Panel de Pon |
Beethoven's 2nd | Panic in Nakayoshi |
Best of the Best - Championship Karate | Panic in Nakayoshi World |
Big Sky Trooper | Paperboy 2 |
Bike Daisuki! - Rider's Spirits | Paperboy II |
Biker Mice From Mars | Parodius - Non-Sense Fantasy |
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball | Peace Keepers |
Bill Walsh College Football | Pebble Beach Golf Links |
BioMetal | PGA European Tour |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R | PGA Tour '96 |
Blackthorne | PGA Tour Golf |
Blazeon | Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144 |
Blues Brothers | Phantom 2040 |
Blues Brothers, The | Picachu |
Bobby's (Proto) | Pieces |
Bomberman B-Daman | Pilotwings |
Bonkers | Pinball Dreams |
Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure | Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood |
Boxing Legends of the Ring | Pinocchio |
Boy's Soccer Team V | Pipe Dream |
Brain Lord | Pirates of Dark Water |
Brainies, The | Pirates of Dark Water, The |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Pit Fighter |
Brandish | Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure |
Brandish II - The Planet Buster | Plok! |
Brawl Brothers | Pocky & Rocky I |
BreakThru! | Pocky & Rocky II |
Breath of Fire | Pokemon Stadium |
Breath of Fire II | Popeye - Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki |
Breath of Fire II - Shimei no Ko | Popeye-Tale of Teasing Witch Sea Hag |
Brett Hull Hockey | Pop'n Twinbee |
Brett Hull Hockey '95 | Pop'n Twinbee - Rainbow Bell Adventure |
Bronkie Health Hero | Populous I |
Brunswick World Tournament of Champion | Populous II |
Brutal - Paws of Fury | Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday |
Bubsy II | Power Drive |
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind | Power Instinct |
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rampage | Power Moves |
Bust a move | Power Piggs of the Dark Age |
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland | Power Rangers Zeo - Battle Racers |
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball | PowerMonger |
California Games II | Prehistorik Man |
Cannon Fodder | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon |
Cannondale Cup | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R |
Capcom's MVP Football | Primal Rage |
Capcom's Soccer Shootout | Prime |
Captain America and The Avengers | Prince of Persia |
Captain Commando | Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow & The Flame |
Captain Novolin | Prince of Persia I |
Captain Tsubasa 3 | Pro Quarterback |
Captain Tsubasa V - Hasha no Shougou Campione | Pro Sport Hockey |
Carrier Aces | Psycho Dream |
Casper | Push-Over |
Castlevania - Dracula X | Putty Squad |
Champions World Class Soccer | Q-Bert III |
Championship Pool | Race Drivin' |
Championship Soccer '94 | Radical Dreamers |
Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool | Radical Psycho Machine Racing |
Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest | Radical Rex |
Choplifter III - Rescue & Survive | Raiden Trad |
Chou Aniki - Bakuretsu Rantouden | Rampart |
Choujikuu Yousai Macross | Ranma 1-2 - Akanekodan Teki Hihou |
Chrono Trigger | Ranma Nibunnoichi - Hard Battle |
Chrono Trigger Retranslation | Rap Jam - Volume One |
Chuck Rock | Realm |
Civilization | Redline F-1 Racer |
Clay Fighter - Tournament Edition | Relief Pitcher |
Claymates | Ren & Stimpy Show - Buckeroos! |
Cliffhanger | Ren & Stimpy Show - Fire Dogs |
Clock Tower | Ren & Stimpy Show - Time Warp |
Clue | Rendering Ranger R2 |
College Football USA '97 | Revolution X |
College Slam Basketball | Rex Ronan - Experimental Surgeon |
Columns | RHI Roller Hockey '95 |
Combatribes, The | Riddick Bowe Boxing |
Congo the Movie | Rise of the Robots |
Congo's Caper | Rival Turf |
Contra III - The Alien Wars | Road Riot 4WD |
Cool Spot | Road Runner's Death Valley Rally |
Cool World | Robocop III |
Corn Buster | Robocop vs. The Terminator |
Cosmo Gang - The Puzzle | Robotrek |
Cosmo Gang - The Video | Rock n' Roll Racing |
Crayon Shin-chan | Rocketeer |
Cu-On-Pa SFC | Rockman & Forte |
Cutthroat Island | Rocko's Modern Life |
Cyber Knight I | Rocko's Modern Life - Spunky's Dangerous Day |
Cyber Knight II | Rocky Rodent |
Cyber Spin | Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball |
Cybernator | Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
Cyborg 009 | Romance of the Three Kingdoms III |
Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions | Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV |
Darius Twin | Romancing SaGa 3 |
Dark Law - Meaning of Death | Ronaldinho Soccer 97 |
David Crane's Amazing Tennis | RPG Maker I - Super Dante |
Daze Before Christmas | RPG Maker II |
Death and Return of Superman The | R-Type III - The Third Lightning |
Demolition Man | Run Saber |
Demon's Crest | Rushing Beat |
Dennis the Menace | Ryuukihei Dan Danzarubu |
Der Langrisser | Sailor Moon |
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf | Sailor Moon S |
D-Force | Sailor Moon S - Kondo ha Puzzle |
Dig & Spike Volleyball | Sailor Moon S - Kurukkurin |
Dino City | Sailor Moon Super S - Fuwa Fuwa Panic |
Dino Dini's Soccer | Sailor Moon Super S - Zenin Sanka!! |
Dirt Racer | Samurai Shodown |
Dirt Trax FX | Sanrio World Smash Ball! |
Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi | Saturday Night Slam Masters |
Donkey Kong Country 1 | Scooby-Doo |
Donkey Kong Country 2 | Scooby-Doo Mystery |
Donkey Kong Country 3 | SD Hiryuu no Ken |
Doom | SeaQuest DSV |
Doomsday Warrior | Secret of Evermore |
Do-Re-Mi Fantasy | Secret of Mana |
Dossun! Stone Battle | Secret of the Stars |
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story | Seiken Densetsu 3 |
Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension | Sengoku Denshou |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden | Shadow, The (Proto) |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Densetsu | Shadowrun |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Kakusei Hen | Shadowrun |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Saiya Densetsu | Shanghai - Banri no Choujou |
Dragon Quest I & II | Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye |
Dragon Quest III | Shaq Fu |
Dragon Quest V | Shien's Revenge |
Dragon Quest VI | Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel |
Dragon View | Shin Megami Tensei I |
Dragon's Lair | Shin Megami Tensei II |
Drakkhen | Shin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio-tachi no B |
Dream Maze - The Kigurumi Adventure | Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun |
Dream TV | Side Pocket |
Dual Orb II | Sim City |
E.V.O. - Search for Eden | SimAnt |
Earthbound | SimCity |
Earthworm Jim | SimCity 2000 |
Earthworm Jim - Gamesmaster | SimEarth - The Living Planet |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Simpsons - Bart's Nightmare |
Eek! The Cat | Simpsons - Virtual Bart |
Elite Soccer | Sink or Swim |
Emerald Dragon | Skuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans |
Equinox | Sky Blazer |
ESPN Baseball Tonight | Smart Ball |
ESPN National Hockey Night | Smash Tennis |
ESPN Speedworld | Smurfs I |
ESPN Sunday Night NFL | Smurfs II |
Eurit | Snake Blasters |
Extra Innings | Snoopy Concert |
F1 Pole Position | Snow White in Happily Ever After |
F1 Pole Position II | Soldiers of Fortune |
F1 ROC I - Race of Champions | Sonic Blast Man I |
F1 World Championship Edition | Sonic Blast Man II |
Faceball 2000 | Sonic the Hedgehog IV |
Famicom Detective Club - Part II | SOS |
Fatal Fury I | Soul Blade |
Fatal Fury II | Soul Blazer |
Fatal Fury Special | Space Ace |
FEDA - Emblem of Justice | Space Football - One on One |
FIFA '96 | Space Invaders |
FIFA '97 - Gold Edition | Space Megaforce |
FIFA '98 - Road to World Cup | Spanky's Quest |
FIFA International Soccer | Sparkster |
Fighter's History | Spawn |
Final Fantasy II | Special Tee Shot |
Final Fantasy III | Spectre |
Final Fantasy IV | Speed Racer |
Final Fantasy V | Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos |
Final Fantasy VI | Spell Craft |
Final Fight Guy | Spider-Man |
Final Fight I | Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage |
Final Fight II | Spider-Man & Venom - Separation Anxiety |
Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo | Spider-Man and the X-Men - Arcade's Revenge |
Fire Striker | Spindizzy Worlds |
Firemen | Spirou |
Firepower 2000 | Sporting News Power Baseball |
Fireteam Rogue | Sports Illustrated Championship Footba |
First Samurai | Spriggan Powered |
Flashback - The Quest for Identity | Star Fox |
Flintstones | Star Fox II |
Flintstones - Treasure of Sierra Madro | Star Fox Super Weekend Competition |
Football Fury | Star Ocean |
Foreman For Real | Star Trek - Deep Space Nine |
Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball | Star Trek - Starfleet Academy |
Frantic Flea | Star Trek - The Next Generation |
Frogger | Stargate |
Front Mission | Steel Talons |
Full Throttle Racing | Sterling Sharpe - End 2 End |
Fun 'N Games | Steven Seagal is The Final Option |
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler | Stone Protectors |
Futebol Brasileiro 95 | Street Combat |
Futebol Brasileiro 96 | Street Hockey '95 |
Futebol Brasileiro 99 | Street Racer |
F-Zero | Strike Gunner |
F-Zero Grand Prix II | Stunt Race FX |
Gamars Puzzle | Sunset Riders |
Ganbare! Daiku no Gen-san | Super Adventure Island I |
Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof | Super Adventure Island II |
Gegege no Kitarou - Fukkatsu! | Super Aleste |
Gekitou Burning Pro Wrestling | Super Alfred Chicken |
Gemfire | Super Aquatic Games |
Genghis Khan II | Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 |
Genocide II | Super Bases Loaded I |
George Foreman's KO Boxing | Super Bases Loaded II |
Ghoul Patrol | Super Bases Loaded III |
Go Go Ackman | Super Batter Up |
Go Go Ackman II | Super Battleship |
Go Go Ackman III | Super Battletank I - War in the Gulf |
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daikessen | Super Battletank II |
Gokujou Parodius | Super Black Bass |
Goof Troop | Super Bomberman - Panic Bomber W |
Gourmet Sentai - Bara Yarou | Super Bomberman III |
GP-1 | Super Bomberman IV |
GP-1 - Part II | Super Bomberman V |
Gradius III | Super Bonk |
Great Battle II - Last Fighter Twin | Super Bonk II |
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The | Super Bowling |
Great Waldo Search | Super Buster Bros |
Gulliver Boy | Super Caesars Palace |
Gundam Wing - Endless Duel | Super Castlevania IV |
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror | Super Chase HQ |
Hagane | Super Conflict - The Mideast |
HAL's Hole In One Golf | Super Dany |
Hamelin no Violin Hiki | Super Double Dragon |
Hammerlock Wrestling | Super Earth Defense Force |
Hanna Barbera's Turbo Toons | Super Fire Pro Wrestling - Queen's S |
Harley's Humongous Adventure | Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium |
Harvest Moon | Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts |
Head-On Soccer | Super Goal! I |
Hebereke's Popoitto | Super Goal! II |
Hebereke's Popoon | Super Gussun Oyoyo II |
Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow | Super High Impact |
Herakles no Eikou III | Super Ice Hockey |
Hiouden - Legend of the Scarlet King | Super International Cricket |
Hit the Ice | Super James Pond I |
Hokuto no Ken 6 | Super Loopz |
Hokuto no Ken 7 | Super Mario 2 - Yoshi's Island |
Holy Umbrella - Dondera's Wild!! | Super Mario AllStars & SMW |
Home Alone I | Super Mario Kart |
Home Alone II - Lost in New York | Super Mario RPG |
Home Improvement | Super Mario World |
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei | Super Metroid |
Hook | Super Morph |
Humans | Super NES Super Scope 6 |
Hungry Dinosaurs | Super Noah's Ark 3D |
Hunt for Red October | Super Nova |
Hurricanes | Super Off Road |
Hyper V-ball | Super Off Road - The Baja |
Ignition Factor, The | Super Pinball II - Amazing Odyssey |
Illusion of Gaia | Super Play Action Football |
Imperium | Super Putty |
Inazuma Serve da! Super Beach Volley | Super Puyo Puyo I |
Incantation | Super Puyo Puyo II |
Incredible Crash Dummies | Super R.B.I. Baseball |
Incredible Hulk | Super Robot Wars III |
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures | Super R-Type |
Inindo - Way of the Ninja | Super Shadow of the Beast |
Inspector Gadget | Super Slam Dunk |
International Super Star Soccer Deluxe - Cup France 98 | Super Slapshot |
International Super Star Soccer Deluxe - Ronaldinho Soccer 97 | Super Smash TV |
International Superstar Soccer | Super Soccer |
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe | Super Soccer Champ |
International Tennis Tour | Super Solitaire |
Irem Skins Game | Super Star Wars |
Iron Commando | Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi |
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi | Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back |
Itchy & Scratchy Game | Super Strike Eagle |
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings | Super Tennis |
Jack Nicklaus Golf | Super Tetris II - Bombliss |
Jaleco Rally - Big Run | Super Troll Islands |
James Bond Jr | Super Turrican I |
James Pond III - Operation Starfish | Super Turrican II |
Jammit | Super Ultra Baseball II |
Jelly Boy | Super Valis IV |
Jelly Boy 2 | Super Widget |
Jeopardy! | Suzuka 8 Hours |
Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition | SWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron |
Jeopardy! Sports Edition | Syndicate |
Jerry Boy | Syvalion |
Jetsons | T2 - The Arcade Game |
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius | Tales of Phantasia |
Jikkyou Power Pro Wrestling '96 | Taloon's Great Adventure |
Jim Lee's WildCATS | Tecmo Super Baseball |
Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D | Tecmo Super Bowl I |
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour | Tecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition |
Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament USA | Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition |
Joe & Mac I | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball |
Joe & Mac II - Lost in the Tropics | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters |
John Madden Football | Tekken II |
JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume 1 | Tenchi Muyo RPG |
Judge Dredd | Tenchi Muyou! - Game Hen |
Jungle Book | Terminator I |
Jungle Book, The | Terminator II - Judgment Day |
Jungle Strike | Terranigma |
Jurassic Park I | Test Drive II - The Duel |
Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues | Tetris & Dr. Mario |
Justice League Task Force | Tetris Attack (En,Ja) |
Jutei Senki | Tetris II |
JWP Joshi Pro Wrestling | The Mask |
Kablooey | Theme Park |
Kamen Rider | Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends |
Kamen Rider SD | Thunder Spirits |
Kat's Run | Tick |
Kawasaki Carribean Challenge | Time Cop |
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge | Time Slip |
Keeper | Time Trax |
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run | Timecop |
Kendo Rage | TimeSlip |
Kevin Keegan's Player Manager | Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games |
Kick Off I | Tin Star |
Kick Off III - European Challenge | Tinhead |
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase | Tintin in Tibet |
Killer Instinct | Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Lo |
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice | Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports |
King Arthur's | Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge |
King of Demons (Majuu Ou) | TKO Super Championship Boxing |
King of Dragons | TMNT - Tournament Fighters |
King of the Monsters I | TNN Bass Tournament of Champions |
Kirby no Omochabako - Baseball | Tom and Jerry |
Kirby no Omochabako - Pinball | Tomorrow's Joe |
Kirby s Dream Course | Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer |
Kirby s Dream Land 3 | Top Gear |
Kirby Super Star | Top Gear 2 |
Kirby's Avalanche | Top Racer |
Kirby's Dream Course | Top Racer 2 |
Kirby's Dream Land III | Toy Story |
Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden | Toys |
Knights of the Round | Treasure Hunter G |
Kouryuu no Mimi | Treasure of the Rudras |
Krusty's Super Fun House | Troddlers |
Kunio's Dodgeball | Troy Aikman NFL Football |
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing | True Lies |
Lagoon | Tuff E Nuff |
Lamborghini American Challenge | Turn and Burn - No-Fly Zone |
Laplace no Ma | Twisted Tales of Spike McFang |
Last Action Hero | U.N. Squadron |
Lawnmower Man | Uchuu no Kishi - Tekkaman Blade |
Legend | Ultima - Runes of Virtue II |
Legend of the Mystical Ninja | Ultima VI - The False Prophet |
Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past | Ultima VII - The Black Gate |
Legend of Zelda - Map 1 | Ultimate Fighter |
Legend of Zelda - Map 2 | Ultra Baseball Jitsumeiban |
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past | Ultraman - Towards the Future |
Lemmings | Umihara Kawase |
Lennus II - Apostles of the Seals | Uncharted Waters |
Lester the Unlikely | Uncharted Waters - New Horizons |
Lethal Enforcers | Undercover Cops |
Lethal Weapon | Uniracers |
Liberty or Death | Universal Soldier |
Lion King, The | Untouchables |
Little Magic | Urban Strike |
Live A Live | Utopia - The Creation of a Nation |
Lock On | Vegas Stakes |
Looney Tunes Basketball | Violinist of Hameln |
Looney Tunes B-Ball | Virtual Bart |
Lord of the Rings - Volume I | Virtual Soccer |
Lost Vikings I | Vocals of Phantasia |
Lost Vikings II | Vortex |
Lost Vikings, The | Vs Collection |
Lucky Luke | Waialae Country Club |
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom | War 2410 |
Madden NFL '94 | War 3010 - The Revolution |
Madden NFL '95 | Warlock |
Madden NFL '96 | WarpSpeed |
Madden NFL '97 | Waterworld |
Madden NFL '98 | Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars |
Madou Monogatari | Wayne's World |
Maerchen Adventure Cotton 100 | WCW Super Brawl Wrestling |
Magic Boy | Weapon Lord |
Magic Knight Rayearth | We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story |
Magic Sword | Wheel of Fortune - Deluxe Edition |
Magical Drop | Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego |
Magical Land of Wozz | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego |
Magical Pop'n | Whirlo |
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The | Whizz |
Magna Braban - Henreki no Yuusha | Wicked 18 Golf |
Manchester United Championship Soccer | Wild Guns |
Mario & Wario | WildSnake |
Mario is Missing! | Wile E Coyotes Revenge |
Mario Paint | Wing Commander |
Mario's Early Years - Fun With Letters | Wing Commander - The Secret Missions |
Mario's Early Years - Fun With Numbers | Wings II - Aces High |
Mario's Early Years - Preschool Fun | Winter Extreme Skiing and Snowboarding |
Mario's Time Machine | Winter Gold |
Mark Davis' The Fishing Master | Winter Olympic Games - Lillehammer '94 |
Marko's Magic Football | Wizard of Oz |
Marvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems | Wizardry I-II-III - Story of Llylgamyn |
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | Wolfchild |
Mask | Wolfenstein 3D |
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow | Wolverine - Adamantium Rage |
Mecarobot Golf | Wonder Project J - Kikai no Shounen Pi |
Mechwarrior | Wonder Project J - Kikai no Shounen Pino |
Mechwarrior 3050 | Wordtris |
Mega lo Mania | World Class Rugby |
Mega Man 7 | World Cup USA '94 |
Mega Man X | World Heroes I |
Mega Man X1 | World Heroes II |
Mega Man X2 | World League Soccer |
Mega Man X3 | World Masters Golf |
Metal Marines | World Soccer '94 - Road to Glory |
Metal Max Returns | Worms |
Metal Morph | WWF Raw |
Metal Warriors | WWF Royal Rumble |
Michael Andretti's Indy Car Challenge | WWF Super WrestleMania |
Michael Jordan Chaos in the Windy City | WWF WrestleMania |
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators | Xardion |
Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse | X-Kaliber 2097 |
Mickey to Donald - Magical Adventure | X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse |
Mickey to Donald - Magical Adventure 3 | X-Men vs Street Fighter |
Mickey's Playtown Adventure | Yogi Bear |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge | Yoshi's Cookie |
Micro Machines II | Yoshi's Safari |
Might and Magic II | Young Merlin |
Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra | Ys IV - Mask of the Sun |
Mighty Max | Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | Yuu Yuu Hakusho II |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - FE | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Movie | Zombies Ate My Neighbors |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition | Zool |
Miracle Girls | Zoop |
PlayStation 1 - 102 Jogos
A Bug's Life | Indy 500 |
Alundra | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure |
Armored Core | LOMAX |
Armored Core - Project Phantasma | Looney Tunes Racing |
Beyblade | Medal of Honor |
Bloody Roar | Medal of Honor - Underground |
Bomberman Fantasy Race | Mega Man X4 |
Bomberman Party Edition | Mega Man X5 |
BRAHMA Force - The Assault on Beltlogger 9 | Mega Man X6 |
Breath of Fire 3 | Megaman8 |
Broken Helix | Mickeys Wild |
Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands | Mortal Kombat 4 |
C - The Contra Adventure | Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero |
Capcom vs. SNK Pro | Moto Racer |
Castlevania Symphony of the Night | Moto Racer 2 |
Chocobo Racing | Motor Toon Grand Prix |
Contra | NASCAR Rumble |
Crash Bandicoot | Nicktoons Racing |
Crisis Beat | Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary |
Croc 2 | Penny Racers |
Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors | Pepsiman |
Darkstalkers 3 | Pocket Fighter |
Demolition Racer | Rage Racer |
Destruction Derby | Rampage - Through Time |
Destruction Derby 2 | Rapid Reload |
Die Hard Trilogy | RayStorm |
Digimon | Resident Evil - Director's Cut |
Digimon 3 | Resident Evil 3 |
Dino Crisis | Resident Evil Survivor |
Dino Crisis 2 | Rising Zan - The Samurai Gunman |
Divide, The - Enemies Within | Road Rash - Jailbreak |
Doom | Rogue Trip - Vacation 2012 |
Dragon Ball - Final Bout | Rollcage |
Driver | R-Type Delta |
Driver 2 | Silent Hill |
Duke Nukem - Total Meltdown | Skullmonkeys |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Sol Divide |
Einhander | Space Shot |
Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition | Speed Punks |
Future Cop - L.A.P.D. | Star Wars - Demolition |
G-Darius | Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha |
Gekioh - Shooting King | Strikers 1945 |
Gex | Tekken |
Gran Turismo | Tekken 2 |
Guilty Gear | Time Crisis |
Harvest Moon Back To Nature | Time Crisis - Project Titan |
Heart of Darkness | Tintin - Destination Adventure |
Hercules | WipEout |
Hugo | WipEout 2097 |
Hugo - Black Diamond Fever | WipEout 3 - Special Edition |
Hydro Thunder | X2 - No Relief |